Chapter 3

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I really appreciate you all reading this sooo enjoy


Zoe's POV

After a couple of drinks followed by a ton more, we were up on the bar belting out song lyrics

"DON'T WANNA BE AN AMERICAN IDIOT" we shouted at the startled bar tender.

"I'll be your Australian idiot" I heard a drunk Calum whisper in Alex's ear.

This was of course followed by a completely rational response.

Alex swung around slapping him hard in the face before snogging him even harder on the lips

"Shots!" Michael screamed throwing money at the now terrified bar tender.

"Do they always get this crazy when there drunk?" I mumbled to Luke.

" NO" he sung in my ear before moon walking across the bar.

"Duude" Ashton groans.

"What?" The boys slur together.

"Dance off" he exclaims I watch crying with laughter as Michael attempts the worm, Luke does the robot, Ashton does night fever and Calum continues making out with Alex.

Luke grabs my hand as the music changes to some heavy metal track and does some awful ballroom dancing.

"I don't think I've ever laughed so much in my life" I grinned giggling.

"I don't think-" Luke begins but before he can finish I've attached my lips to his as my tongue enters his mouth.

Alex's POV

I glance over Calum's shoulder looking at the guys two of them dancing like crazy and Luke and Zoe making out.

Calum pushes his lips back on mine placing his hands on my waist. But all of a sudden my brain screams.

'Luke and Zoe are making out' then my mouth starts to scream it.

"So what?" Calum shouts.

I shake my head it's not my problem it's hers.


Zoe's POV

I let out a soft moan holding my pulsing head.

Where the hell was I?

Then last night came rushing back to me.

I look at the sleeping blonde figure next to me and curse under my breath.

Quickly I grabbed my clothes got changed and literally ran out the building.

I pull out my phone and call Alex

"Where the hell are you?" I yell down the phone.

"I could ask you the same" I could practically hear her eyebrows wiggling.

"Where are you?" I demand swearing under my breath.

"Cals um...dropping me home" she mumbles.

"Not you to" I groan.

"Yep me too, but unlike you I have his number" she boasted.

Calum lightly chuckled in the background.

"SHE HAS A KID YOU KNOW" I shout down the line.

"What the hell?" The line clicks dead.

I take out my purse counting my change.

Then I stick my hand out for a taxi.

A cab stops right by me and a raspy voice asks where to.

"Right, I really don't mean to offend or anything but I've had a really really rubbish morning so please please please just promise me your not a murder"I beg.

"Err...sure" he raises an eyebrow.

"Thank you so much" I smile giving him my address.

About ten minutes later I'm home and I hand the cabby a twenty pound note.

"I'm keeping that change for that therapy session" he informs me.


"You've got to tell that boyfriend of yours" he nods knowingly.

"I know"

Sorry it's a little short but I haven't had much time today thanks for reading.

Lucy x

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