Chapter 29

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I shall wear it every single day, and it will be perfect because Luke is. A strange fan girl once told me to never give up your dreams because another one might find you (though I think it will be extremely unlikely that another Luke, who happens to be in an Australian band and extremely cute, will fall in love with me and marry me but...not the point). So yeah don't say 'urgggghh we'll never get to meet them...' cause I don't know about you (but I'm feeling 22) but until/if I fall in love with someone else I'm not gonna give up. And anyway I didn't invite you to my barbecue so why are you all up in my grill?

Lucy x

Sophie's POV

"Well here it is" I hand him the dress chewing my nails slightly.

"Thanks..." He looks at me strangely.

"What d'you want a cup of tea or something?" The blonde girl screeches sarcastically.

"That would be lovely" Ashton beams.

Her eyes widened as she turns to him and says

"Err...yeah sure" she scampers inside.

"Please don't tell me that's your new girlfriend" I roll my eyes as Ashton walks inside.

"So what if she is" he defends.

"She's head over heels for Ash" I laugh.

"What so are all my girlfriends gonna run off with Ashton" he says half-seriously.

"No...that's not what I said Joe"

"Aren't you worried about them two alone together" he frowns.

"Nah I trust him" I shrug.

"You know I can never forgive you" he says stopping walking.

"Forgive me? I can never forgive you. Knowing that I love him you beat him up until he's unconscious and leave him as a bloody mess slumped against my wall, and what you want my apology?" I shout.

He takes my hand.

"No I want you" I try to shake him off but I'm paralysed with shock.

He kisses my lips putting his hands around my waist so that when my senses do eventually come around I can't push him off.

"Sophie?" A voice asks.

Joe drops me immediately I spin around to see Luke.

"What the hells going on?" He asks.

"It's not what it looks like I don't want this he just kissed me" I stutter.

"He forced himself on you?" He asks in disbelief.

" wasn't aggressive I just didn't know what was happening till it'd happened" I try to explain.

"Look I've screwed up enough relationships for the moment, this is between you and Ash" he replies.

"Where are you even going to?"

"The hospital, Zoe collapsed-apparently it's nothing major but I said I'd visit anyway"

"Me and Ash can give you lift, we were just leaving" I look purposefully at Joe.

At that moment Ash comes out of the house.

"I thought we were all going to have a cup of tea but evidently, we're not" his eyebrows knit themselves together in a confused sort of fashion.

"Can we give Luke a lift to the hospital?" I ask

"Yeah sure what's happened?"

"Zoe's in hospital" Luke says running his fingers through his hair.


Zoe's POV

I sit up in the hospital bed.

"So where does it hurt?" A nurse asks.

I rub the spot moaning loudly.

"Okay it's quite common for vomiting and stomach pains we're just slightly worried about the collapsing" she smiles massaging the painful area.

"Ahhh" I cry.

"There's a Mr Hemmings here to see you" another nurse says entering the room.

Luke rushes past her into the room grabbing my hand.

"Zo listen I'm so sorry I got mad, it's just I guess I was jealous and slightly annoyed that you didn't tell me but I love you at the end of the day and-"

"Just shut up and kiss me" I grin.

He kisses me gently before deepening the kiss.

I pull away suddenly to groan.

This nurse comes quickly and starts to take my blood pressure.

"Right we're going to keep you in for the night, so just get some rest a nurse will be through in a minute to give you a blood test"

"Can I stay?" Luke asks.

"Sure" the sweet nurse nods.

"The other two can come in too" she gestures to Ashton's girlfriend and himself who both have their noses pushed up against the doors window.

Okay that's all today the spacing has gone crazy on my iPad so idk what's happening ahhh glitches...

Lucy x

English Love Affair//Luke hemmings//5sosWhere stories live. Discover now