Chapter 10

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Sophie's POV

Immediately I hated myself for screwing things up with Ash.

It's like he's blind, loving him is the hardest thing I've had to do.

Knowing he'll never feel the same way.

It hurts every time I see him but it kills me when I don't.

I hate that I miss him, I hate that I have to move on even more.

With Joe I actually felt like I could move on but every time I see Ashton it feels like I'm starting again.

"What's up baby?" Joe asks.

"Please don't call me that" I give him a tight smile.

"Why"?" He whines.

"It's creepy" I shrug.

"What?" He asks.

"Well a baby's a kid right? So your basically calling me your daughter and that's weird" I explain.

"Your weird" he mumbles.

"Your like a little kid" I chuckle.

"That's creepy" he imitates me.

"Shut up" I chuck a pillow at him.

"I'll make it up to you" he kisses me on the cheek.

"How?" I tease.

"Watching your favourite movie" he beams popping the hunger games in the DVD player

"Maybe next time 'you make it up to me' you'll think of something a little more original" I laugh.

"But you love this movie" he groans.

"Yeah but not five days in a row" I chuckle.

"Ugh women are so confusing"


Zoe's POV

The doctor walks in carrying a page of notes.

"Zoe Alier?"

"Yes" I reply.

"Singe wounds, slight skull fracture, a few broken bones and possible damage of fetus" he scans through his notes.

"What?" I ask.

"Apart from a couple of casts you should be just fine" he smiles.

"Did you say I'm pregnant?" I stammer.

"3 weeks"

"I...I...will it be okay" I wipe tears from my eyes.

"It will survive" he informs me.

"But will it be okay?" I raise my voice.

"It's mental or physical state is uncertain but it is stable"


"It's because I can't" he sighs and walks out.

I want to break down my brain goes into overload and is ready to explode.

I didn't have time to cry my eyes out and feel sorry for myself though.

Alex bustled in the room giving me half a second to compose myself.

"Zoe I...I don't know what to say" she tails off.

"Al you don't have to say anything if you don't wa-"

"It's not that there's too much to say" she says exasperated.

"Well where do you want to start?"

"The beginning, Dan?" She says.

I explain to her the whole story right up to the car crash. Alex cheers, ohs and awws in all the right placed before filling in the missing pieces.

"I was so stupid I might've just wrecked my whole life" I exclaim.

"With Dan, the baby or the crash?" Alex asks.

"I'm just so lucky my supportive friend is full of tack" I say lacing my voice with sarcasm.

We then move the subject onto boys, giggling, whispering like teenage girls again.

"So you an Calum are..."

"Confused" she giggles taking a swig of wine straight from the bottle.

I take it off her taking a gulp.

We were both clutching empty wine bottles giggling hysterically when Luke and Calum walk in.

Just as they entered Alex laughed her way off her chair.

"Hi Calum" Alex sheepishly tucked her hair behind her ear acting like a fourteen year old.

"I'm not even gonna ask" he said walking past her.

"Can we have a minute?" Luke asks, Calum nods and leads a stumbling Alex out.

"So have you heard about-"

"-the baby yeah, I have" I cut across.

"Who's is it?" He asks pulling his jumper over his hands slightly.

"Almost defiantly yours but I'm getting a DNA test" i confirmed.

"Are you going to keep it?" He mumbles.

"You don't have to get involved in anyway if you don't want to but yes, yes I am" I smiled.

"I know we live in different countries and we barely know each other but if I'm going to be a dad I'm going to do it properly" he confirmed smiling back.

"We have all evening to get to know each other and as for living in other countries I have no family to tie me back, only Al"

"You have no family?" He asked.

"As I said we have all evening"

English Love Affair//Luke hemmings//5sosWhere stories live. Discover now