Chapter 37

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So basically chapter 36 isn't showing so here it is again.

If you don't swim you'll drown-Slsp

Okay so the timings may confuse some people so basically a month has gone by.

Also I think I called the last chapter 25 so yeah I've changed it lol

Lucy x

Zoe's POV

One month to go.

One month left.

One month .

Sometimes I feel as if I can't do this, but what choice do I have?

Alex and me aren't talking but weirdly are still living together so except from Freya's constant warbling the house is completely silent.

Alex has gained weight hugely.

In the last three months I guess I started to realise it.

She huge.

It just seems so unlike Alex.

She's normally swimming in a sea of vanity.

I guess Alex's changed.

Sometimes I think about my life without the boys.

Perhaps me and Dan could've worked things out and taken it slow.

Perhaps we'd have moved in together.

Perhaps right now I wouldn't feel so alone.

Perhaps I should ring him.

I pick up my phone and dial his number.

"Hello" a female voice crackles down the line.

"Oh hi is Dan there"

"No but his fiancé is" a voice sneers.

"Well good for her" I grimace.

"Who even is this?"

"You probably won't know me"

"I probably will"

"Fine then, I'm Zoe his ex-fiancé"

I hear a nasal laugh down the line.

"I know all about you, it's been a year-let him go"

What the hell was she on about?

"Look I just need to talk to him"

I hear her laugh patronisingly again before handing me over.

"Look Zoe if this is about the thing in the news-"

"That was you!" I exclaim.

"Yeah, look I'm sorry"

"It''s not that. Dan, I miss you"


Cara's POV

I'm so excited for Luke's babies to come.

I'm going to be a freaking godmother.

I'm gonna be a hella good one.

Maybe they'll like me so much they'll call me Aunt Cara.

This is going to be amazing.

Suddenly a door slams.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"I don't even now if she wants to live with me, let alone move to Australia and then there are mum and dad looking at houses" Luke says exasperatedly.

"Aren't you living together in London currently"

"Not permanently, anyone I don't want to live in London and she won't want to move"

"Can't you take a twin each" I giggle.

"Not helping"


"How about we just watch a movie and chill out tonight" I suggest.

"Can't I have a gig"

"Another one?" I sigh.

"I had like 5 months off, I have to do some"

"It's been like four a week"

"When the fans stop coming we'll stop performing but at the moment our shows all seems sold out"

"Big head" I cough-speak.

"Loser" he cough-speaks back.

This goes on for a while until we both collapse in laughter.

"Why don't you just get a normal job" I return to a serious tone

"Why don't you?" I give him a look.

"I have a normal job"

"You haven't done it for about a month"

"Yeah because if you shatter a leg the army just don't care" I roll my eyes sarcastically.

"Hey my jobs normal anyway"

"To you maybe"

"Yeah to me" he takes out his phone texting someone before leaving.

I love my job, however weird it sounds I love it.


Michaels POV

I feel bad for leaving her but it was a month ago.

I know she hasn't come home yet, maybe she won't ever.

I miss her even though I know it's my fault.

It's crazy though to be married at 20 though.

It was crazy to be engaged at 18.

It may be crazy but i was the one who proposed.

Urgh live is so damn hard sometimes.


Aurelia's POV.

This month has been the best of my life.

After Michael abandoned me I went in the hotel to find them packing up my bags saying that room had been booked.

Just as I was closing the suitcase a random guy tapped me on the soldier asking to look at my drawings.

He said he'd buy some.

I've been selling my drawings and paintings all month.

It's amazing how much they're worth.

I've actually managed to rent a flat for the next month with some of the profits.

It's incredible, the flat looks so pristine and perfect.

If I carry on selling them at this rate I'll be practically rich by the end of the year.

Which is only three months away.

I've kept Michael off my mind.

It feels so good to finally be doing what I love.

I might even start making prints for furniture.

I can't believe what London has done for me, I'm so grateful.

I'm in love with this city.

It's so beautiful.


Sophie's POV

The plane finally slows to a stop.

Time to get off.

Time for Australia.

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