Chapter 35

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So tired of wishing on a star-Social casualty.

Tbh I know that's not the best quote but I've decided to start writing song quotes before the chapters just cause...

Lucy x

Sophie's POV

Fear can possess you and bring out your demons in a sudden wave of terror.

It can possess you turning you into summon you know you're not.

Fear can drive you crazy.

I stare at the empty space in front of me wide-eyed.

"Hey Sophie" a voice summons.

"Hey" I reply snapping out of my gaze and speaking with a trembling voice.

"Get me a drink?"

"Of what?" I ask him.

"Beer" he says in a duh! tone.

"Sure I'll get it for you" I walk away in a slow wobbly line.

I can't bear him, I need sleep and peace.

I grab a beer and make my way back.

"At work an opportunities come up" I start gingerly.

"So?" He shrugs.

"It's to go to Australia for three weeks" I look down afraid of the response.

"So are just gonna leave me?" He raises his eyebrows in disbelief.

"Err...I guess" I look up.

"When is this?"


"You're not going" he insists.

"I've already brought tickets" with that I rush into the bathroom locking the door tightly.

I place my back against the wall crying silently as he angrily pounds against the door.

After about an hour of verbal abusive he screams at the door.

"I'M GOING OUT" I wait until I hear the front door slamming.

I rush out and pack my suitcases.

On second thoughts I look at the keys lying on the counter.

He hadn't take keys with him.

I quickly grab a pair of keys and lock the front door.

One more night and I'll be away from this hell hole.

I text my boss:

I'm going to have to take so unpaid leave, sorry :(-Soph

When for-James

Tomorrow, three weeks-Sophie

How am I supposed to get a supply teacher in for three weeks by tomorrow?-James

I've spoken to Angie she says she'll cover-Sophie.

That means Angie has to come in full time-James

She knows-Soph

As long as you show us the hoilday pics ;)-James

Sure :)-Soph

In a spur of the moment thing my fingers start typing and before I can stop them I've pressed send.

I re-read it cringing slightly, knowing I can do nothing.

Hey ash, I miss you xx


Ashton's POV

A text pings through.

I click it reading the message.

I look at it shocked.

Then why did you leave I think before I know it I've sent it.

I wish I hadn't

But why did you

I can't believe she just disappeared and now believes a text can change everything cause it can't.

Because I love you too much

You know it's rubbish so do I

What do you want me to say?

The truth.

English Love Affair//Luke hemmings//5sosWhere stories live. Discover now