Chapter 7

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Alex's POV

"Mummy I'm hungry" Freya whines.

"You've just had tea Frey" I reply holding up the empty packet of microwaveable pasta.

"I don't like it" she moans.

"Well you ate it didn't you" I sigh.

Suddenly my phone vibrates.


I don't want to talk to him but what harm can it do to read it.

Zoe's in hospital come quick

I curse gently under my breath.


I type back.

Quickly I scoop up Freya and rush in the car.

I run into the hospital.

"I'm here to see Zoe Elier" I shout at the receptionist.

"You are...?"

"A friend" I reply.

"I'm sorry but you're going to have to wait here perhaps take a seat" she kindly smiles.

"You don't understand I have to see her" I sob.

Calum walks down the hall and stops in front of a vending machine.

"CALUM" he turns around.

"I need you to tell her" I poke my thumb at the receptionist.

"That me and Freya can come through" I finish.

"Umm...yeah sure"

I look at him more closely, he's gone white and looks like he's ready to puke.

"What's...what's wrong with her" tears rest in my eyes threatening to spill.

"I don't know" he looks dazed.

I felt the tears dripping down my cheeks.

I expect him to comfort me but he doesn't he just looks straight ahead.

"Where you there?" I whisper.

He nods.

"I just saw her lying there her limp body coated in blood and I couldn't do a thing" he seemed like he was about to cry.

"Is she...?" I couldn't finish the question I didn't dare to.

"I'm not sure I couldn't sit there and watch her like that" he mumbled looking down ashamed.

"I have to see her" I said.

"This way" he pulled me around a corner.

There she was, she lay there with about ten tubes poking out of her.

"Zoe?" Freya asked.

I pulled her into me and lifted her up as we stood there crying together.

"Mummy when can she can home ?" Freya asked.

"In a little bit" I sobbed trying to smile and stay strong for her.

She put her tiny hands up to the windows saying.

"I love you Zoe"

I looked around at the boys.

"Thank you" I say

"For what" Ashton says.

"Saving her" I reply.

"We haven't y-" I cut him off.

"Don't say it"

At that moment a doctor walks out the room.

"Please tell me what's happening to her" I shout after him.

He turns around and takes his glasses and looks me in the eye.

"She's stable for now but there's not much more we can do for the baby" he nods sympathetically.

I feel all the boys eyes on me.

"What I didn't know either" I defend.

"How many weeks is she?" I catch up with the doctor.

"Fairly new around 2 weeks, she's lucky we noticed it at all"

"Why is she lucky?"

"We've prevented any possible womb infection" he explained.

"I don't think you understand how is she lucky, she crashed her car, almost died, she's unknowingly pregnant and she may or not be in engaged to her cheating fiancé" I yell

"2 weeks, 2 weeks" I hear Michael muttering.

"Hey two weeks ago is when you to" he finishes the sentence with an eyebrow raise.

Everyone's eyes turn to Luke.

"'ll be back in a second" he mumbles walking around the corner.

English Love Affair//Luke hemmings//5sosWhere stories live. Discover now