Chapter 28

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Eh oh people of the world.

Being weird is fun.

I just saw the necklace Luke designed it's coming out on Monday AJEIDLIJEJK!!!!

I need my precious....(does an amazing Golam impression (idk how to spell it))

Buuuuuut it's like £20.00 so there goes my life's savings lol.

Aurelia's POV

I love Michael so freaking much but he never said that he didn't have-

I brush that thought from my mind swiftly.

I sigh running my hand through my bedraggled locks.

I collapse on my sofa and close my eyes for ten minutes.

Allowing myself to think of all the things I'd rather not.

I let out a sigh and grab the notepad next to me full of half finished drawings.

I flick through it, the first picture was completed.

It was of Michael the first time I'd ever seen him.

That day I came home and couldn't get him out of my mind so I drew him.

I sketched his features and shaded his cheek bones.

Later on that day I took out my oil pastels and added in the colour and life I'd seen in him.

I smile works it's way onto my face as I turn the page.

The next page is a water colour painting of the park I asked him out in.


I combed my brown hair it brushed the end of my thighs.

Apart from its length it was completely dull and dead straight.

I pulled it into a plait, pulling it up to bum length.

I quickly brushed my teeth and put on some uncoloured lip gloss before throwing on a vest-tank top and pair of skinny jeans.

I grabbed my satchel and shoved my sketch book, pastels and pencils inside and headed to the park.

I sat on a bench and turned to the first drawing in my new sketch book.

It was of him, that boy.

I wished I'd talked to him when I first saw him because I was sure I'd never see him again.

I pull out my yellow and white pastels to finish his hair.

I do a streak of each colours and smear them together with my finger creating a light streak blonde and pull out my brown to create some darker tips.

"Yeah I swear she was" someone laughed behind me.

I turned around it was blonde boy with a black haired guy.

I feel a blush creep up my cheeks.

"is that me?" I realise that he's now right next.

I nod sheepishly.

"It's really good" he leans over to get a better look but I close the notebook.

"Can I see it again?" He opens it gently.

"Can I see you again?" I smile softly.

*End of flashback*

I skip to the last few pages.

The engagement ring in its silky box.

Two champagne glasses clinking.

And the half drawn sketch of me and him at the alter on our 'big day'.

Anger boils up inside me.

All these emotions I've kept cooped up just unfurl.

My hands grasp at the page tearing the sheet in half , me and Michael are seperated.

I rip at his red shaded hair and at my ivory coloured dress.

I shred the page until no part of it is identifiable.

I wish he could just love me and I him no ifs, buts and inbetweens.

I know that life's just not that simple though.


Sophie's POV

Ash knocks on Joes door.

"What?" A short blonde girl squeaks.

" Joe here?" Ash asks.

She eyes him up and down before obviously liking what she's before using her 'nails on a chalk board' voice to say.

"No but you can wait here with me for a bit"

I cough lightly to let her know I'm still here.

"Ohh and you are?" She looks down at me like dirt in her shoe.

"His girlfriend" I point at Ash.

"And his Ex" I point at the house.

"I think you mean my ex" Joe appears behind me.

"Oh yeah well your ex" I mumble.

"Is that my stuff?" He asks.

"Yeah it is" I hand him a box.

"And what did you bring him as a body guard or what...?" I pretend to laugh but my nerves take it a bit to far as I go into faked hysterics.

"No, no there are three more boxes in the car and I brought him because" I gesture to Ashton's muscles.

My light and cheery tone made me sound completely idiotic but if he can beat up Ash who's like super strong, what about me.

I break like a stick and bruise like a peach.

"Oh and the dress is in the car, as good as new"

"Well it should be it is new?" he raises his eyebrows whilst I mentally face palm myself.

Chao for now (I'm a poet and I didn't know it). I'm off to fan girl about 5sos (I rhyme all the time), but no literally I am.

P.S This chapter is for an amazzzing person called Sophie who is a sofa (just to get this straight, she's not really a sofa-I may be weird but I don't name my sofas) and 14 today YAY (Omgosh I can't stop the rhyme at first it was a game now it's just lame). So yeah anywaaaay have a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! And I know this chapter was short but I'll do a really really really really long Sophies POV for you x

Lucy x

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