Chapter 11

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Lukes POV

I go outside about 2 hours later to find a very drunk Alex having a make out session with a slightly drunk Calum.

I sigh and walk back into Zoe's room.

I hear faint sobbing.

I look towards the bed and see her weeping into her hands.

"Zoe whats wrong?" I ask.

She looks up startled.

"Nothing, just hormones every where" she wipes her eyes viciously.

"Just tell me what's going on?"

"I can't do this I Just can't" she whispers.

"What can't you do?" I rub her back.

"I can't get rid if it but I can't have it, I almost wish it had died in the crash" she looks ahead disgusted in herself.

"Don't you dare say that" I say anger woven in to my sympathetic tone.

"Fine, then I wish I had died in the crash" she looks away.

"Zoe just tell me what's happening"

"I'm going to be a single parent to a disabled child"she burst into tears.

"What the hell makes you think that?" I frown.

"You" she mumbles.


"What it's true, you asked me what's wrong and that's it. Talking to you made me realise you don't want to be tied down, you don't even want a girlfriend. Plus your always going to be on tours."

"that's not true" I defend.

"Yes it is and I'm gonna have to be a full time carer and living on benefits"

"Firstly your overacting and secondly I'm not just going to go and leave you, I'll always send you money and you know what Zoe when did I ever say I didn't want a girlfriend"

"You all did" she mumbles.

"When?" I laugh.

"" she rubs the back of her neck awkwardly.

"You're a fan aren't you?" I teases beaming.

" I'm not" she stammers.

"You so are" I chuckle.

"Prove it" she says indignantly.

"Well I'm guessing you didn't just stumble across the hotel we were staying at"

"It was Alex's idea" she replies

"Sure" I laugh.

"I may've changed my mine anyway" I continue.

She looks into my gorgeous eyes (I'm sorry but it's true) and slams her lips onto mine.

She pulls apart so our noses are touching.

"Well have you" she breathes.

I place my hands around her waist.

"What do you think?" Our lips connect again.


Ashton's POV

I check my phone for the tenth time this hour, still no texts.

I miss Sophie so much, I want her so much.

Suddenly my phone rings smothered in irony, as the caller ID reads Sophie.

"Hey Soph?" I smile

"Um...hey it's actually Joe" a deep voice replies.


"Yeah well anyway I know you and Sophie are close so I dunno I thought maybe we should get to know each other"

"Yeah sure" I reply disappointed.

"Well Soph's gone all day so maybe you could swing bye in like an hour or something?"

"Kay?" I hang up.

I don't know why but suddenly I smash phone up against the wall.

I pick it up examining the cracked screen.

"I love you Sophie" I whisper.


Joes POV


"Bye babe" I call.

"That's basically the same as baby" she laughs entering her car.

I look around her house, being here alone makes me think.

I don't real know her at all.

I go up to her bedroom and just sit on her bed taking in the room I look around.

My eyes land on her diary, the perfect way to get to know her.

As soon as I open it I regret it, doodled on the first page is Mrs Sophie Irwin.

I ignore it presuming it was an old crush and turn to today's date.

What the hell am I supposed to do?

I love joe but not in the way I love ash.

Ashton and me are incompatible, last time we kissed it wasn't right.

Ash knew it before I did and I was the one dating Joe.

I just love him so damn much.

I wish he loved me.

I don't know if I can marry Joe with Ash around.

I thought if I asked him to give me away and he said yes I'd know there was no us.

But I just can't let go of the little bit of hope I have, I can't let go of him.

I threw the book down and stormed down stairs picking up my phone ready to confront her.

Then suddenly a thought dawned on me.

'With ash around' what if Ashton was never around.

What if he was to scared to show his face around here, I ran back up to her room placing the book back in its original place.

Tomorrow was show time.


Lucy x

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