Chapter 5: Hotel Rooms

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Alex's POV

As the three of us entered the room, we saw that it was actually really nice. Three twin beds, a couch, a TV, and a mini kitchen. We all picked which bed we wanted, which was difficult. Eventually, we decided that Jungkook would take the left, the door closest to the door, I'd take the middle, and Mark would take the right, the closest to the window. 

After we all settled in, I went into the other rooms to check on the other girls. That, and the boys fell asleep, and I didn't want to disturb them. I softly knocked on the door to where May, Jackson, and Jimin were. Jimin opened the door not long after. 

"Hey, what's up?" He asked. I shrugged.

"Just wanted to see how you three were settling in. That's all." I replied. He nodded, and let me in.

"Oh! Alex! How are you and the other two doing?" May asked, giving me a quick hug. 

"Pretty good. They fell asleep, leaving me to do all of the work." I told her. May laughed. I continued. "And how are you three getting along?" 

"Really well! We're talking about things that've happened that we thought were really funny!!" May laughed. Jackson then walked in with water in his hand.

"Oh! Hey Alex!" Jackson waved. I waved back, and suddenly laughed. May tilted her head a little.

"Remember when Harper slipped on ice, and landed in a snowbank with her feet sticking out?" I laughed, and May and the guys started laughing at the thought.

"OMG YASS! Didn't you get that on camera?" May asked. I nodded.

"I did! But I left my phone in our room so it could charge." I sighed. 

"Wait, did that actually happen?" Jimin asked. May nodded.

"Well? What happened?" Jackson asked again. May nodded at me.

"Okay, so we were walking back from school while doing a VLive one time, like, way back when, and we were walking since we were really close to our dorms. That, and our manager said that is was a good workout. But anyways, it was winter, and there was ice everywhere. Since May and I are from North Dakota, we're used to the ice, so we made sure to slide our feet so we wouldn't slip, and we also linked arms. However, since Harper's from Florida, she had no clue how slippery ice could get. So, while May and I linked arms to support ourselves and slid our feet along the ice, Harper slipped and went head first into a snowbank. I was lucky enough to have caught it on camera, and May and I were dying, while Harper was laughing from inside the snowbank. She wasn't injured afterwards, but it's just an inside joke now. So whenever we have to deal with ice, we always say, "Don't become an ostrich again", because that's what it looked like." I explained, and all of us laughed.

"We'll be sure to tell her that when we go to the Americas." Jimin laughed. I nodded, and got up from my seat. 

"Well, I'm going to go and check up on Harper now, and make sure you don't stay up all night laughing. We have a concert to do tomorrow, so unless you wanna pass out like I did, get some sleep, okay?" I told them. They nodded, and so I took my leave. I made my way to Harper's room, and knocked again. Harper answered, and squealed, hugging me. 

"Whoa, did you seriously miss me that much? It's only been 10 minutes." I joked, and Harper giggled. 

"Sorry, I'm just happy that you decided to see me." Harper told me. I laughed, and Harper allowed me in. When RM saw me, he saluted, and I saluted back. 

"Are you guys already settled in?" I asked them. The both of them nodded.

"And are you settled in with Jungkook and Mark-hyug?" JB asked, walking into the room. I nodded. 

"Yep. They're both sleeping right now, though. Hey; why are you guys watching a children movie?" I asked, looking at the TV. They were watching "TROLLS". 

"Oh! We're making fun of the movies." Harper told me. I nodded. 

"Then I'll leave you to it?" I said, before leaving back to my room. When I entered, the both of the boys were still asleep. I laughed a little bit, before climbing into my own bed, and checking twitter. And I didn't like the comments that were made. 


TIMELESSsucks: y'all are ugly fetuses.

godietimeless: Alex can't even sing or rap, why the hell is she in the group

may4lyfe: honestly, the other two are slowing May down. she'd do so much better without the two.


I sighed, used to seeing all of this. As I scrolled back up, I smiled, seeing our fans, whom we've named our ticks, wrote back, defending us.


TMLfan#1: Hey, you guys can actually go and jump off a cliff. Sure, they're fetuses, but they're gorgeous fetuses.

timelesstickkid: Okay. How about you look up Alex's cover of 8 letters, and then after look up her cover of cypher pt. 4. Then say that exact same thing.

HateHatersw/Hate: May isn't being slowed down by them, because those two are her moral support, you all y'all can go and die. Thank you.


I smiled, not even realizing that I'm now crying. No one knows how difficult it is to do all of this. I wiped my tears away, and put my phone away, beginning to get ready for tomorrow. After I was done, I fell asleep with a smile on my face.

I'm so grateful for my fans.

I'm so grateful for my fans

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