Chapter 45: Opinions and Romance

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Jungkook's POV

I was FURIOUS. ALEX KISSED ANOTHER GUY!! I cannot believe her. I could tell Mark was pissed as well, along with Jimin and Jackson, but at May.

As I saw the girls walk backstage, I growled deeply. Alex looked over at me, and gave me a weird look. Don't get me wrong, the performance was great, and the girls sounded amazing. Their new song is a bop, too. 

May had her very first rap in the song. She did great. And don't even get me started on Alex's high note. That was heavenly. Like, wow.

As the girls went to grab some water, I examined Alex. She looked happy. That got me thinking, what if she liked her kiss with Jonah? Then what? Where does that leave me?...
 I huffed at the thought of it.

Mark's POV

Okay, yes, I am upset. I hated watching Alex kiss another guy. It was like I was being betrayed. I love her. I can't even stand the thought of her with Jungkook while I am not around. I don't know what goes on, and right now, I don't want to at all.

But, besides that, the girls did amazing on their performance. They had so much energy in their moves, and voices. I'm very proud of them.

I could tell that Jackson was pissed at May just by the look on his face, along with Jimin. It kind of scared me, to be honest. 

I walked over to Jungkook, who was standing with May's two beasts. I sat down, and looked at Jackson. I began to speak.

"Jackson, are you okay?" I gave him a concerned look, and he turned his head to me, his face redder than a radish. He started to talk, and I heard the anger in his voice.  It was scary as hell. He was definitely not going to let May get away with this. 

"Am I okay? Does it LOOK like I'm okay?" He growled lowly and stomped his foot. He looked over at May, who was watching the WDW boys finish up their concert. They also did super good. I was in the back, jamming to Talk. I LOVE that song.

Jackson's POV

I have had more than enough. I was done with letting things happen to May. First it was Jimin, now it's this! I stormed out of the building, not wanting to be around anyone while I was like this. 

I don't know where I'm going right now, but I don't care either. I just need a break, and I didn't want to do anything to May while I was like this. I wanted it to be romantic, a punishment. 

Before long, I was able to get to a studio. I sighed, going inside, and booking a studio for myself so that I could work on something to get my mind off of May. I just didn't want to think about that at all. 

Jimin's POV

I growled lowly when May kissed that other guy. I didn't like it at all. Of course, I was proud of her for her first rap, and I wanted one of the two to teach me the choreo. It was great. 

But I just couldn't stand the thought of her kissing another guy. I went into the car almost immediately, being joined by a pissed off Kook and Mark. We didn't say a word until we got back to the hotel, and we all went to our rooms. I waited for May with a blindfold, ready to teach her a lesson. 

When she did come in, I smiled innocently, showing her the blindfold. 

"Wanna play a game?" I asked her. She smiled at me, nodding, and allowing me to put the blindfold on her. 

"What are we playing?" She asked me. I smirked, kissing her neck, hearing her moan slightly. 

"Don't scream." I said simply, and with that, I moved her to the bed, bending May over my knee. After she was bent over, I spanked her, hearing her grunt. 

"Jimin, wha-" Before she could even say anything, I spanked her again, hearing her whine. I spanked her again, and again, and again, until she knew that she was being punished. After about 10 spanks were landed, I stopped, leaving the room. 

Hopefully she learned her lesson.

Mark's POV

As we got to the hotel, I got out of the car. Alex was in the room, taking a shower. Jungkook was in the other room, discussing with Taehyung. Rumor has it, him and May are doing a duet. I knew that he wouldn't be back for a while, so I snuck into the bathroom, undressing.

I quietly got in the shower with Alex, and placed my hands on her waist. I heard her gasp, and I smirked, before pinning her to the shower wall. I started kissing her neck, and leaving love bites. I heard moans slip from her mouth.

"M..Mark.." She said gently, her hands traveling down my muscle. 

"Shh." I replied. I placed my lips on hers, as my hands explored her body. I heard more moans come from her mouth. I went back to her neck, and left a few more hickeys. By now, she realized she was being punished.

"Mark, I..I'm sorry..." She looked at me. I placed my hand on her cheek. "I don't know if sorry cuts it, Angel."

May's POV

I began looking for Jackson after Jimin left the room. I was sneaky to make sure Jimin didn't see that I had left. I searched and searched. Finally, I heard something coming from the recording studio. It was Jackson rapping.

I carefully opened the door. He saw me before long. He looked away from me. I sighed, and came in, closing the door. 

I walked over to the sound booth, and walked in. "Jackson..." I said in a sweet voice, a tear running down my face. He looked up at me, and shook his head. "May...I..." He paused, as if he was afraid to open up. 

He just sat there. I walked over to him, and kneeled down. I cupped his face, making him look at he. 

"Jacky..I am so, so sorry...I didn't know this would hurt you so much.." I felt more tears fall from my eyes.

Jackson noticed my tears. He leaned down, locking his eyes on mine. 

"Just, just let me..." Instead of finishing his sentence, he kissed me, placing his hands on my waist. I felt my cheeks get hot, as I kissed him back.

Jackson's POV

Our kiss became a little heated, and I lifted May up onto the desk. It was time to do this. For real. I took her top off, and let her take mine off, and we continued to kiss lovingly. I didn't want this to be a punishment. I only wanted her to know that I love her more than Jimin. 

Before long, we were both undressed, and I was going slowly so that she could get used to me. I loved that she had soft, quiet moans, but I wanted her to be louder. So I picked up my pace, and she began to get louder, calling my name out. 

I smirked, kissing her jawline, letting my hands roam her body. I knew that she'd be thinking of this as a punishment, but it wasn't. Before I even knew it, we were both on the floor, drenched in sweat. 

I grabbed a towel from my bag I had with me, and wiped myself off, before handing to May. We both got dressed again, and headed back to the hotel. 

It was a quiet walk, but I didn't want it to be that way. So I said something I knew I wasn't going to regret saying. 

"May, you do know that you'll have to make a choice, right?" I asked her. She nodded, looking at the ground. 

"Yeah, I know. I just don't want to hurt one of you guys.." She whimpered. I sighed, and hugged her. 

"I won't be hurt if you choose who you really do love. If you choose Jimin, I won't be upset, I'll support the both of you. I'll still be a close friend." I told her. She started to giggle, which turned into a fit of laughter. "What? Did I say something?" I asked her. She shook her head, still laughing. 

"N-No! It's just, I can't take what you just said seriously after we literally just had sex!" May started to wheeze laugh, which is by far the cutest thing I've ever heard. I joined her in her laughing, not ever wanting this moment to stop.

 I joined her in her laughing, not ever wanting this moment to stop

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