Chapter 14: The last goodbye

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May's POV

This was it. We were all in the limo, making our way to the church. I was sitting in between Jackson and Jimin. I saw us approach the church. The limo parked, and we all got out. I walked up to Alex, and grabbed her hand. We were in this together. That's how it always was.

The boys walked in first, and Alex and I followed closely behind. Harper's open casket was in the chapel. We got into the chapel after escaping the crowd of people. All of us had front seats. Harper's family was unable to make it out to say goodbye to her...which even for Alex and I, stung a bit.

Alex and I got up, walking over to the side to prepare for our speeches. Alex was going first, because she wanted too. I gave her a hug, wishing her luck before she stepped up to the podium. We patiently waited for everyone to sit down, and get settled. There were over a thousand people. Some army's and Got7 fans were outside waiting for us to leave. Some of our fans, also waited outside in anger, sadness, and sickness.

I know they all wanted to see Harper. But if that happened, it would get to chaotic... we want to say goodbye to her with peace. This is our baby i'm talking about. She deserves peace, and that's what we want to give her, as we let her go...

Finally, everyone settled in. Alex took a deep breath, and she slowly let go of my hand. She straightened her dress, cracked her fingers, and stepped up to the podium. She cleared her throat.

"Can I kindly ask for everyone's attention please?" She said into the mic, and everything went silent. I gave her a little nod.

"May and I have prepared speeches for our beloved member, Harper." She swallowed, and looked over to Harpers open casket, and grabbed her paper.

Alex's speech:

"I never actually thought that this day would come so fast. I thought that we'd be old, grumpy woman, laughing in the face of death, saying "take me now, God". Yet here we are. Saying goodbye to our little baby girl. I still remember the first day I met her. Me and May were talking in choir, goofing around like we still do today, until we heard a beautiful singing voice. We saw Harper singing her heart away. We complimented her, and she thanked us. That's how Timeless basically began.

"Harper went through a ton of hard times while in Timeless with us. She went through starving herself, working herself too hard, and homesickness. It was extremely hard for her, for all of us really. But we became very close at the end of every day, whether that be talking about our day, singing the most random songs, or just playing video games.

"Good friends don't let you do stupid things...alone.. was one of her favorite things to say. I won't forget that, either. Harper Grace Lee is gone, but she will never be forgotten."

Alex walked down from the podium, and went near Harper, giving her a kiss on the forehead, and whispering things into her ear, before going next to me, and patting my shoulder. Now, I walked up to the podium, cleared my throat, and began my speech.

May's Speech:

"Wow. I never imagined this day would come. I always thought that the 3 of us would be the old ladies in the nursing home causing trouble. I never thought that we'd have to say goodbye to our angel so soon."

"These past days have been hard on Alex and I, knowing we lost someone that meant so much to us, we knew this day would come. Just..not this soon. I don't even know what we are going to do without her...I really..really don't." There was a lump in my throat. "Goodness, this really sucks." Then there were tears. "We all grew up together. I cant believe our baby is gone. I remember how she and Alex would always tease me because of how short I am."

I softly giggled, then more tears began falling. "I'll never forget all the memories we shared, and all the stupid things we laughed at in the 7th grade...and that day Harper bought Alex and I both a puppy for christmas. Harper is gone, but she will definitely never be forgotten. Thank you." I stepped off the podium, and walked over to the casket. I kissed Harper's forehead gently, and the next thing I knew...

I fell to my knees....bawling.....

Alex's POV

As May fell to her knees, I walked over, and hugged her. She latched onto me, crying on my shoulder. I knew that she was the closest to Harper. I soon was able to get her on her feet, and walk her back to our pew we were sitting at.

I did have a few tears left, but I refused to cry right now. I had to be tough for May now. I've had my fair share of crying, and I knew that I'd cry even more tonight. We all continued the service with peace.

After the service was over, the priest gave me and May a USA flag, as well as Army soldiers giving her a 21 gun Salute. Finally, Me, Jungkook, Jimin, Tae, BamBam, and Yugyeom carried the casket into the car that took it to the the where they will turn her into ashes, just like how we came to this world.

After the casket was put in the car, BamBam and Yugyeom surrounded me in a big hug. I let out a shakey sigh, holding them both tighter. With that, we all headed to the limousine, and headed back to the hotel. May never stopped hugging me the entire way back.

Goodbye Harper.

You will always be loved in our hearts.

May you rest in peace forever...

Never forget......

We love you.....

(This was fricking 1000 words!!!! That's pretty special if you ask me! Luv u guys!!)

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