Chapter 18: The hangover

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Jimin's POV

It was the next day. I had a booming headache. I woke up, and I had no clothes on. Oh god...what happened....I looked over, and there was May, no clothes and asleep next to me. Oh no.... We didn't...oh my heavens...we did.

I got up, and slipped on my clothes. Then, I gently shook May. She opened her eyes.

"Jimin....I have a headache..." She said to me, and she realized that she had no clothes on. She sat up quickly, and covered herself up.

"We didn't...." She looked at me. "Oh, but we did." I nodded, and she got out of the bed and got dressed. "Jimin, what if someone heard us, or....or even caught us?!" I placed my hands on her shoulders. "Relax May, I believe I locked the door." She nodded.

She walked over to the door, only to find it unlocked. She turned back to me.

"Jimin! The door! It's unlocked!" She started panicking. "That means...someone saw us.... oh god" she added shortly after. I started to panic too. "May, what are we gonna do?!" I looked at her. She shrugged.

"Let's just head back to the hotel, and see if we can find the others." I nodded, and grabbed her hand. We quickly fled from the bar, and got into the rental and drove back to the hotel carefully.

May's POV

I cannot believe it. Jimin...he....he took my virginity!!!! Gosh, nobody can ever find out about this....not even Jackson....

As we approached the hotel, we walked inside together. We were still a little out of it. He looked at me, and his eyes widened.

"May.... your hair..." He whispered..."you have sex hair!" he whispered again. I quickly brushed through my hair with my fingers, and we made our way to the elevator. And there stood Jungkook. Oh boy...

"Where have the two of you been all night?!" Jungkook yelled. I hid behind Jimin, who gulped at the angry man.

"U-um.... well... you see..." Jimin tried to think of a way to butter coat it, but was stopped by Alex, who was limping her way down the hall. She was really pale, and looked like she had seen a ghost.

"You two had sex, right?" Alex asked us. Jimin and I looked at each other. Before we could try to deny, my fearless leader continued. "And don't try to deny it either. I saw him pounding you like you were a piece of meat. My question is, did the two of you use protection?" She asked us again.

Protection. Shit. Jimin's eyes went wide, while I glared at him.

"Did we?" I asked him. He didn't answer. "Jimin. Did we use protection?" I asked again. He gulped.

"I-I don't remember..." he trailed off. Alex shook her head, laughing a little.

"Great! That's just wonderful! You two don't remember!" She laughed.

"Alex, please cal-"

"May, this is serious! You could be carrying an infant! With you hooking up with Jimin, you put your job at risk!" She scolded me.

"Stop yelling at me! I'm sorry okay?! Not everyone is perfect Alex!" My eyes filled up with tears, and I stormed off.

I got up to the room, and Jackson heard me crying, and rushed over to me.

"May, angel what's the matter?" He grabbed my hand and took me to the bed.

"Jackson, I did a very wrong thing last night..." I told him..

"What happened Love?" He asked me sweetly.

"I....I hooked up with Jimin last night..." His eyes widened. He immediately got up.

"You did WHAT?!" He raised his voice at me. "Jackson, please calm down." I said softly and weakly. "No!!! May, you could be pregnant right now!!!!"

I began crying again and I pushed him away walking down the stairs to the lobby.

Jackson's POV

I just found out May and Jimin hooked up. And boy was I furious. This is someone I love, and the thought of her being pregnant made me even more angry.

I rushed down. "Where is he?! Where is that little bitch?!" I called out. There was Jimin, comforting May. I ran over and the next thing I knew, there was May, on the ground trying to wake Jimin up..

JB rushed over and pulled me away before I could hit anyone else.

I finally realized what I had done, and I ran outside and hid behind the building trying not to cry.

I really done it this time.....

Alex's POV

I rubbed my temples as I watched May run off. I still was not feeling good, and it didn't help that May could now be pregnant.

I just turned around, and started to walk back to my room, but every step I took hurt. I was super nauseous, my head was pounding, and it was really hot. Jungkook helped me get to our room, and Mark was already there, holding the door open.

I layed down, and Mark put his hand on my head, getting my temperature. As soon as he put his hand on my head, he took it off, shaking it.

"You're burning up!" Mark said to me, racing to go and get some ice water.

"Alex, we have to tell them sooner or later. You can't keep this a secret." Jungkook told me. I shook my head, panting.

"No, I don't need anyone to help me. Just, just let me rest, and I'll be fine." I told them. They looked at each other, before looking at me, and nodding. I smiled at them, and lay down, letting sleep take over me. 

Little did I know...

I'd be out for a long, LONG, time...

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