Chapter 44: America-Day 1/Opening Performance..

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Alex's POV

I finished putting my top on, taking a deep breath. Tonight, we'd be debuting the new song we wrote just for this performance, and many to come.

I took a deep breath, letting it out

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I took a deep breath, letting it out. We've never done anything like this, plus the choreography had to be put on hold because of my ankle. I walked out of the dressing room, to see May looking fabulous, and talking with Daniel.

 I walked out of the dressing room, to see May looking fabulous, and talking with Daniel

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I smiled, shaking my head, to fix my hair, which was also just dyed today. What can I say, I got bored!

Before long, we were called backstage ready, which meant that we had to be on our floor elevators in a bit

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Before long, we were called backstage ready, which meant that we had to be on our floor elevators in a bit. I took another deep breath, letting it out slow as the staff began to put on my mic for me. I loved the earpiece, as it was my favorite color, a soft baby blue.

Then, we went on stage, and I could hear fans cheering and screaming. The guys had also come to watch, but they were hidden in the crowd somewhere, so I had no idea where they were. I smirked before I began to start the song off.

We went back and forth, focusing on singing, and enjoying ourselves. We harmonized, showing how well we work together, and the fans cheered loudly, and I could even hear Why Don't We cheering. In this song, I had a high note, so when I hit it perfectly, not only did I surprise myself (because I rarely have high notes), but the fans went wild.

I smiled, loving every second of performing because I knew that I'd never get back what I missed.

May's POV

All I could do was smile when Alex hit the high note. She sounded amazing. After she did that, it was my part, so I sang and danced.

I could tell the fans heads were spinning because we opened for Why Don't We. We'd also be performing 8 letters with them, and we were assigned a dance partner. Mine was Dani, of course. Alex was assigned to Jonah.

I've seen a lot of posts on how fans want Dani and I together, but it's not at all like that, Dani and i are just friends, nothing more.

As our song ended, we bowed, and I spoke into the mic.

"Thank you, New York!!" I smiled and blew a kiss to the crowd, Alex repeating the action.

As we went backstage, our manager pulled us to the side, along with Why Don't We's manager. Alex and I looked at each other.

Their manager took time to speak up. "Okay girls, I'm officially a Timeless stan." He laughed a little, and Alex and I let out a giggle.

"Thank you." I smiled. "So, what's the deal?" I asked, and our managers nodded.

"We want you to do a bit of fan service." Our manager added. I looked at Alex, who looked at the managers.

"Okay, well, what do you mean by that?" She asked, chewing on her lip a bit.

"Well, we mean, at the end of 8 Letters, we arranged a kissing part. You will be kissing your dance partners." Their manager spoke up.

My eyes widened. "Excuse me?" I looked over at Alex, who was now looking at the floor. I knew the results of this. The boys were going to get pissed at us again. I was more worried about Jackson, because he said we'd continue that later.

But, it's for the fans.... It's for the fans...

Daniel's POV

I took a deep breath, already knowing about this fan service. I just couldn't deal with having to kiss my best friend. Jonah came over, grabbing my shoulder, and just squeezing it. I nodded, and we both went on stage with the others. 

The song began, and we all began to do our thing. Half way through the song, at my part, May joined in and harmonized with me, then after Zach's part, Alex sang the refrain with Jack. Then, on the build up, me and Jonah both kissed our assigned girl, we just held our lips together, nothing more than that. 

Then, we pulled away, hearing the fans cheer. Once the song was done, the girls left the stage, leaving us to do the rest of our concert ourselves. 

Alex's POV

Oh god..

What did we just do?

I'll tell you what we just did.

We released 4 angry monsters who are now probably fuming. That's what we did. As soon as we got behind stage, I put my head in my hands, screaming after my mic was taken off. I didn't even want to deal with them, so I headed to the dressing room, and changed into something more comfy, which was a sweatshirt, and some ripped jeans. 

Then, I put my hair into a messy bun, and saw a DM from Twitter. I scrunched my face up, opening the DM, seeing that it was from Ariana Grande. I let my eyes widen, and read it. 


Arianagrande: Hey! I've been a fan of you guys for a long time, and I wanted to know if Alex wanted to do a duet with me on a new song I wrote. It'll be a bunch of fun, but I'll need her by tomorrow. 


I smiled, knowing what my answer would be, and replied. I wanted to let the guys cool down, and I'd want to to work immediately. 


TimelessOfficial: Hey, Ariana! This is Alex responding. I'm totally down to do this duet, however I'm in New York atm. It'll have to wait, I'm really sorry though. 

Arianagrande: That's completely fine, I'm actually in NY right now. If you want to meet me at the Quad Recording Studios, we can start working on the song. Oh! And be sure to talk with your manager about it, I don't want them to get upset. 

TimelessOfficial: I actually already checked just now, and she said it's fine. Does 6:30 work for you?

Arianagrande: Of course! Can't wait to work with you tomorrow!

TimelessOfficial: Same goes to you, Ari.


I smiled, putting my phone down. I couldn't wait to get away from everyone for a while. I'm sure they'd understand...right?

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