Chapter 21: The Attempt

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May's POV

We were all back from the hospital. Alex was still in critical condition, and she was still out. This was way to much to handle. Everyone was down at the pool, but I just stayed in the room. The only people that didn't go down were Suga and I, and he was in his room in the shower.

I sat in my room, my eyes red and puffy from crying. I was so depression was coming back, and my anxiety was horrible. My head was spinning, and I felt so little.

After a few minutes, I was having flashbacks....of the funeral.....of seeing Alex lifeless in her bed....of the whole Jimin situation.... It was all to much.

I began bawling, and I grabbed Jackson's pocket knife. Putting my hair up, I walked into the bathroom. The tears wouldn't stop falling. I slit my wrist a few times, and started crying even harder.

After that, I left the bathroom. There was blood dripping from my arm, and onto the floor. The pain wouldn't leave my memory. I couldn't take it anymore. I went back into the bathroom, and filled the bathtub with cold water.

After it was done and full, I sat in there, in nothing but spandex and a sports bra. I grabbed the knife again and added a few more cuts.....and I grabbed some pills....

I whispered to myself as more tears fell. "I'll be with you soon, Harper. Don't worry....." I opened the bottle, and I poured some into my hand, and I dumped the hand full in my mouth, swallowing some of them, just as I heard the door open...and then....I dropped the rest of the pills in the water as I began to feel drowsy.... I was about to overdose....and then...

I blacked out...

Suga's POV

Once we finally got home from the hospital, I went to my room and took a shower. The rest went down to the pool, and Jimin was still pretty sister shook that May had yelled at him today.

About 10 minutes later, I got out of the shower, and I got dried off and put on a shirt and a pair of shorts. May didn't go to the pool either, so I planned on going to her room to hang with her and keep her company, since Jimin didn't want to talk to her.

I grabbed my room key, and began to head out. I walked down the hall to May, Jimin, and Jackson's room. The door was cracked open, but I still wanted to be respectful and knock, so I did.

There was no answer. I knocked again. No answer. I thought "What the hell?" and I knocked again, this time, calling out her name.

"May? Are you in there?" She didn't reply. My worry grew every second. "Alright May, that's it. I'm coming in." I said. I pushed open the door. I couldn't find May anywhere.

I walked further into the room, and I saw blood on the floor and on the sheets. I felt a pit in my stomach. My nerves kicked in. "May?!" I shouted, and began looking around. I followed where the blood led, and I tried opening the bathroom door. It was locked. I grew frustrated, worried, and angry. I finally perked up and kicked the door and it flung open.

I'll never forget what I saw....

There was May, in the bathtub....passed out. I ran into the bathroom and saw the half-dissolved pills in the tub. Hot tears began streaming down my face.

"MAY!" I began shaking her, and she wouldn't wake up. I saw the slits in both of her wrists, and I began to cry harder.

"May please!!!!!!" I shook her again, she would not wake up. She was overdosing on whatever she took. I took matters into my own hands, and I lifted her out of the tub, causing me to get soaked with cold water. I didn't care. I ran down the hallway carrying May bridal style.

I made my way to the first floor, and ran past the pool and pounded on the door. Hobi saw me and came running over.

He opened up the door. "What the hell happened to her?!" He shouted in a state of worry. The other boys got out and ran up as well.

"She's overdosing! She tried killing herself! We need to go now!!!!" I cried and ran out of the hotel doors with May still in my arms, slowly losing color every second. The rest of the boys followed. By this time, I had blood all over my clothes and on my skin.

—2 hours later—

We made it to the Emergency room, and they carried May away. I saw the worry on Jimin and Jackson's face. Immediately, Jimin burst into tears.

I ran up and gave him a hug. He hugged back. "Jimin, I promise you...she's going to be okay. You just have to trust me. May is strong, and you know this." He nodded, and calmed down.

The doctor care out, and looked at me. He signaled me to come over, and my worry rose again. I got up, and slowly walked over to the doctor.

He pulled me into a room, and began talking with me. "So, we just finished pumping her stomach. She swallowed a lot of those pills." He looked at me. I swallowed the lump that was building up in my throat.

"What was it that she took?" I asked, sounding very weak. He pulled out the file, and read it. "She took two types, some were anti depressants, and the other half were pain killers." I felt my heart drop out of my ass.

"The good news is, she is breathing." I felt relieved hearing this news. I knew she was strong. I knew she'd come back. I nodded.

"Thank you doctor. Thank you so much...for saving her.." He nodded his head. "That's my job." I shook his hand, and he led me out of the room.

I was glad to hear she was okay....but what was Alex going to say whenever she woke up.....?

To be continued.

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