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A L E X I S 

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A L E X I S 

I walk into the gymnasium were all the volleyball nets are set up, there were 2 courts. 

"Alexis, glad to see you showed up" Ms.Miller said with a smile

"OK GIRLS" getting the attention from around 13 girls. "Today we will have Alexis prove herself that she is worthy of making the volleyball team. Team A or B depending on her skill level.

"Alexis what is your history with volleyball?"

"I was captain of my team last year, and I've been playing volleyball for 4 years. Playing middle blocker"

After everyone ran 2 laps around the courts, Ms.Miller started to lead the warm up. Then we start to get into partners and did drills with each other.

"Listen up, we will be playing a practice game. We have a total of 14 people A vs B, Alexis you will join A. All normal rules will apply. Separate and choose a captain"

I have found out that the other 6 people are Jasmine, Mia, Lola, Eliza, Aerie and Florence, they are all really nice and are all seniors like me.  

"Our captain graduated from last year, so we need to pick one" Lola says.

"What about Alexis, since you were captain from your old school, and none of us here have experience" Mia asks

"Sure" I say

We are on the last set of the game 20-23 points, I was in position 2. The other team serves, Aerie our libero receives it, hitting it towards Jasmine our setter than setting it towards me. I take 3 steps, jumping so that most of my upper body is above the net. Swinging my arm back like an arrow and hitting the ball downwards. The ball spins and lands in front of the libero, but bounces off her hands and goes out of bounds. 

Huddling in the centre, "We got this one more point, make sure to communicate with each other" I say patting their backs.

"Match point" Ms. Miller calls from the sideline

I look to the entry way to see Andrea staring at me, giving me a reassuring smile. Since when did he get here? Was he here the whole time watching? I give a small nod before heading to the serving line.

Breathing in and out a few times, I calm myself down from the adrenaline. I toss up the ball, taking steps and jumping up in the air. Allow my hand to contact with the ball as hard as I can, it starts spinning and hits the centre of the court without anyone touch it. THAT WAS AN ACE! You can hear the silence before everyone starts cheering.

"Good job Alexis, I can tell you will be a good part in our A team. Training is every Monday and Thursday. Congrats" She said before leaving the gym. Everyone starts to huddle around me congratulating me.

I sit on the bench thinking about what just happened. I hear footsteps walking closer to me, my head snaps to the side to see Andrea walking over.

"Good job Princess, told you you could do it" Andrea said smiling at me.

"Thanks, how long have you been standing there" I asked looking at him curiously

"Well I watched you since the game started, you were really good out there" He said

"Come on lets go, we need to go home" I said as I took off my knee pads.

----Skip car ride----

"I'll see you tomorrow?" I said while facing him

"I will be here till lunch, then I need to leave for a business meeting" He said looking down and tossing my keys to me.

"Oh okay, goodnight Andrea"

"Goodnight princess"

I sit on my bed and decided to facetime Sab. 


"I thought you were dead, WHY DIDN'T YOU CALL ME YESTERDAY" Sab screamed into the phone

"Well I have jet-lagged and I needed to get use to my dorm" 


Is that all she thinks about?

"Well I hang out with 3 pretty decent guys, so yeah i guess"

"Who are you talking to Sab?" I hear Damien ask from the other side of the phone

"Look yourself"

"ALEXXXXX, I thought u died"

Laughing "That was the same reaction Sab had"

"Guys come here" Damien shouts

Soon enough everyone started to pile up, seeing them all together made me think about the memories we had together. 

After calling for 3 hours, I decide to end the call. I was getting really sleepy from the different time zones.

Slowly I allow myself to sleep.


A/N: 7th chapter! Comment on areas where I need improving, it can help me enhance my work.

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