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This chapter is dedicated to  @animeloverpotato, thank you for supporting me and helping me through my chapters

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This chapter is dedicated to  @animeloverpotato, thank you for supporting me and helping me through my chapters. I see you ;)

A L E X I S 

Friday soon came along and I was dreading it. I sprung out of bed and decided to wear something casual. I decided on a harley davidson shirt, paired with ripped jean shorts. I wore white air force 1s and a simple chain bracelet, with my Rose necklace. 

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   (I forgot to include it before so here it is, the 's' is replaced with an 'a' and on the back theres an 'x')

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   (I forgot to include it before so here it is, the 's' is replaced with an 'a' and on the back theres an 'x')

I look down at my necklace and start to hold it between my fingers. This is all my fault, if it wasn't for me, he would still be here. Before that incident, I was what you called a "loner". Which was necessarily bad, I liked how it was just me and my thoughts, it's just less drama. But as time passed, people started coming into my life. By people, I mean the friends who only used me for my money or status. 

Even through my rough times, he was always there for me. Comforting me when my friends backstabbed me or when my boyfriend broke up with me. Yeah I know what you are thinking me and a boyfriend? If you mean using me to get to my parents, sure. I don't even know what happened to all of them, I hope they all rot in hell. 

But after that incident, my life turned a whole 360. No more of that weak pathetic girl. I turned cold blooded, making my emotions from people. It may fool them to think that I don't care about them, but deep down I do, maybe even more than they towards me. Emotions are for the weak, it makes you vulnerable and targeted. Trust me I know, I learn't the hard way.

As they say "be afraid of the quiet ones they are the ones who actually think." 

I got on my car and headed out for school. I parked it swiftly into the parking space, I see people gawking at my car, time to tell them who not to mess with. I remove the keys and stuffed them in my pocket, opening the door and slamming it shut, startling the people close to me.

I walk to my locker, but was interrupted by a jock. Who probably thinks he is the best and no girl can resist him. His ego probably higher than his area, but lets not go into too much detail. 

"Hey I'm Finn" He said staring into my eyes, is he trying to find emotion. Let me tell you, my walls are built so high that you won't even see a thing.

I nod and tried to walk around him, keyword tried. But he swiftly grabbed my arm stopping me from moving. 

"Yes what do you want" I said with a fake smile. 

"I want you" He said winking at me, I roll my eyes and whispered into his ear. 

"Sex? No thanks, my life fucks me everyday" I said ripping his hand off my arm and continued to walk to my locker. I glanced back to see him still in the same place as before. 


Math is so boring, I am seated next to Levi with Andrea behind me. After our encounter on Monday, I decided to avoid him. Which was really hard since I live right next to him. 

I growl and learned on the table, trying to fall asleep. I learn't about algebra anyways way before, I have photogenic memory as well. That's sometimes a good thing but mostly bad, especially with my nightmares.

I feel someone fiddling with my hair, twirling it around their finger making me fall asleep even faster. 

"Miss Reed, why are you sleeping in my class" That made me jolt up into my seat. What is even his name? Mr....K? no L? I look at his name plate ohhh Mr M.

"Go to hell" I said leaning back into my air, earning a chuckle from Levi and Andrea.

"Miss Reed, if you think you already know all this stuff, prove it" He said smirking, yeah right let's see your reaction later.

"Sure" I said heading up to the white board, answering the question. Looking at it, this is easy it's not even hard, even a 5th grader could do this. Sighing I start working out the problem on the board.

"the answers 5" I replied looking bored and slumping back onto my chair. Mr M looks shocked that I got that right "that is correct" he said embarrassed that I even knew how to do it. 


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