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A L E X I S 

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A L E X I S 

I signed up my The Bugatti Veyron Super Sport 16.4 and was told to wait in the back.

I put on my red bandana and took off my denim jacket, placing my hood up. A guy around his 30's keeps staring at me, but not in a flirtatious way, a curious way. I leaned on the wall waiting for my turn to fight.

"Hey I'm Elijah" The guy perviously staring at me said. He stuck his hand out for me to shake.

I grabbed his hand "Rose" Nodding.

"Yes I know, you thought you looked very similar to her. I'm happy to see you are here today"

"Thanks" I try not to show any emotion while I'm here, emotions show off as weak.

"If you need a manager hit me up, I do know a lot about the people here"

"I'll se--- Some guy interrupted me "Rose you will be fighting The Skull in a few minutes get ready"

"Ahh I see you're fighting The Skull, he isn't hard to beat but has a huge ego. He was fighting an hour ago and hurt his left ankle, aim for that. He's quite strong but is very slow, use that to your advantage" Elijah said smiling at me

"Thanks, you do know a lot about him" I said smiling with my eyes, since my mouth is covered with a bandana.

"I tend to observe things a lot, now go it's your turn. I'll be here watching, good luck"

I walk over to the side of the ring, waiting to be announced.

"On the left side we have The Skull give it up for him" He walks out with his hands up in the air, with the crowd cheering for his name. The is really buffed and muscular, but from what I heard from Elijah this guy wont stand a chance.

"And give it up for our new participate which you might know, give it up for her"

From the looks on the crowd, they must be shocked to see a girl participating especially against him. I come out of the darkness and walk towards the right side of the ring. The crowd is quiet, but the whispers are heard.

"Everyone can go ahead and bid on who will win" With that people that rushing towards the counter, but I can see that most of them voted for him.

"NOW that the bidding has ended, fighters take your side" I take off my hoodie leaving me with only my sports bra and leggings, my toned stomach on show. 

"You guys should know the rules. The fight ends when the other opponent is knockout or taps out. There are no weapons allowed and no killing. GO"

We start circling each other, I observe his stance. Elijah was correct, his left leg looks a bit sore and he is limping but tries not to show it. He tries to observe me, but he's not going to find any flaws. 

"I think you should tap out before something bad happens to you, you don't want your pretty nails snapping right? He said laughing at me.

"Hmm, yeah when pigs fly" Rolling my eyes

He gives me a glare before taking the first hit, the punch was strong but very slow. I ducked to the side and punched his in the stomach. He stumbles a bit but manages to obtain his balance. I uppercut him while he tries to punch me in the stomach. Surprises me with a punch on the side of my face. Thats going to leave a bruise. He tries to hook me, but I bobbed down and kicked the side of his body.

He tries to punch me again in the face, but I blocked it and kicked him in the left leg. Making him fall forwards. I straddle him and punch him in the face continuously until he taps out. 

"And the winner is--- whats your name?"

"Rose" Again surprises him

"And the winner is ROSE, the worldwide champion"

The arena was all quiet until everyone started to cheer for me and chanting.


I start walking to the back, sitting down and drinking my water.

"That was an easy fight, good job" A voice said next to me

"Thanks for the tip Elijah, you do know your stuff" I said smiling

"Yeah no shit" I rolled my eyes.

"I was wondering, since I am new here would you like to be my manager?"

"Woah, the mighty Rose is asking me?" He said with fake shock "how could I say no"

I walk to the counter to collect my winnings, which was 2000 dollars. Splitting 30% of it I handed it to Elijah. "Here you go, thanks for helping me." Elijah looked at me shocked

"Are you sure? This is too much"

"I insist take it, or I will give you even more" Sighing he takes it and gives me his number. 

After 2 more hours of spending my time here, it was 3 o clock in the morning. I already won my race against another person, which was easy since they didn't really use much technique. Deciding to go back to my dorm it was around 3:45. I parked my car and went into the elevator quietly.

I debated on going to sleep or to change but I chose to just face planted onto my bed, too tired to do anything else. 


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