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"You are going the wrong way princess" He walked to the other direction, with me following along. We walk for a good 5 minutes before Andrea stopped, confused I looked up to see....


"You bought me to a.... where are we?" Andrea ignored me and walked towards a bush. He pushes the twigs and leaves aside to reveal a switch. He moves his hand forward, gesturing me to come closer to him. One second he was digging for something in his back pocket, the next all I see was black.

"You ready?" 


I hear him jiggling the switch before loud noises started to occur, Andrea removes the cloth covering my eyes. One by one, the lights started to turn on. This place is beautiful. The colourful colours. The food stalls. The rides. 

It isn't crowded or loud. 

It was empty and quiet.

I walk down the pathway with Andrea following along behind me. This place wasn't creepy for a abandoned carnival fair. Stalls highlighted with bold letters, catching the attention of the people once passing. Carnival rides with strips of light, shining brightly, filling up the entire place. 

"Since when was this abandoned?" I ask while observing the place.

"Not long, around 3 months ago" Andrea said while grabbing my hand, leading me inside the carnival. The wind blows into my hair, covering my eyes from seeing whats in front of me. Suddenly stopping, he gently grabs my hair and places it behind my ear. I smile and look into his eyes, which fills with all sorts of emotion. 




And sadness?.

Andrea smiles back and lets go of my hand. He starts climbing up the ferris wheel, as he steps between the gaps and spaces. 

"What are you doing?" I ask while raising an eyebrow at him, he smirks and continues to climb higher. Stopping, he turns his head to glance at me. 

"Don't ask questions" and continued to climb. Sighing, I start climbing behind him, making sure to follow every step he takes. Andrea stops and moves to the left, gesturing me to go higher. I climb until I am standing beside him. 

Cocking my head to the side "why are we stopping?". 

"Go up first"

I start to climb higher and I look back to see him right behind me. Shaking my head, I continue."Princess go to the seat there" He said while pointing to the cart at the very top. Taking a huge step, I leap into the seat and move to the very edge, leaving space for Andrea. 

He gets onto the seat as I look down at the carnival under me. The view was even better from down there, beside me Andrea is staring intensely at me. He gives me a smile which shows his dimples, I look down to hide my face.

I leaned my head on my arm as I look out to the view. Non of us were talking, as the sound of the cart squeaking fills the silence. "You know, my whole life was a lie" I start to speak.

"I use to live in Utah. The skies where always beautiful, the view? Unbelievable. I use to be a loner, no one liked me. But people started to come into my life, one by one.

My old friends back there? Always hated me. Acting all fake around me, trying to make me feel like I was liked. Guess what? They only used me. Every. Single. Day. 

My parents started their business from scratch, working hard everyday to support me. I barely got to see them, maybe once a day I would get a glimpse of them before they left the door. Leaving early in the mornings, and coming home late every night, huh. More like mornings.

They took the hard working money my parents earned and spent it all. At one point, our business was bankrupt. While my parents worked even harder to overcome this, my "friends" were out having the time of their lives. Come to think, they knew what was happening to my family. But? They didn't care. Not one single bit. 

All those hours paid off I guess, now look where my family is now. The business started to grow and grow, gaining more attention from the medias. By this time, the business was at the top of the charts. 

They knew who my parents were, using that to their advantages. Inviting themselves to parties that I didn't even invite to, using my parents money to buy expensive things they can't afford. Why? Because they were jealous bitches, who thought about no one but themselves. 

I was too scared to speak out to anyone, everyone thought we have the best relationship with each other. Fake. Best friends? Fake. Boyfriend? Fake. But one day I was fed up with everything, I had enough of it. Telling my parents the truth, somehow they trusted me. They must have seen the large amounts of money that were taken from the bank accounts each week. 

I ended up moving schools, far far away from them. Cutting them out of my life and starting a new one. I made new friends that trusted me.






Loved me. Cared for me. They didn't care about my wealth or status. We were the bad group of our school, always getting in trouble. Vandalism? Fighting? Racing? Yeah we all did that. At least I was able to be who I truly am. Not a fake girl everyone thought I was."


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