I'm trying to eat telepathically

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I groaned when I woke up from the bright light in my room. I put my blanket over my head but it was too late, I was already awake.

I really didn't want to be awake yet.

I have one of those alarmclocks that light up so you supposedly wake up peacefully instead of having a heart attack because the sound on your alarm is too loud.

Don't get me wrong, I'm a morning person and I usually get up early but today just wasn't one of those days. I hadn't slept well and I was really dreading today.

The day I start at my new school.

School had started a few months ago so it really wasn't a great time to be the new kid. I was kinda social but it takes some time to get used to people. Their first impression of me is that I'm a shy girl.

I was hoping some coffee would make everything better.

I got dressed and went downstairs. My aunt Maggie was making breakfast for her daughter, Lilly.

"Morning." I said without any intonation in my voice.

"Good morning!" Maggie replied way too enthusiastically.

I was still getting used to living here and even though I loved Lilly and my aunt very much, I couldn't help but miss home.

My grandma was very sick so my parents decided to stay with her so mom could take care of her fulltime while my dad worked. Because of that they're really busy and they decided that I should go live with my aunt for a little while. I guess I understood their decision, they didn't want me to feel neglected but it still sucked.

I mean, this was my senior year. I was old enough to take care of myself. All of my friends were home. I knew nobody here.

"Are you okay? You've been staring at your breakfast the last five minutes." Maggie interrupted my thoughts.

"I'm trying to eat telepathically?" I answered. Lilly giggled and I stuck my tongue out.

"Oh good. I thought you were worrying about school but I guess I was wrong." Maggie nudged me. I wanted to smile at her but I guess I was too nervous to fake one.

"It'll be fine!" Maggie said. I couldn't even count how many times she'd said it. She was only trying to make me feel better yet I couldn't help but worry.

After a big hug from Lilly I was ready to leave for school.

I was halfway through the door before I turned around.

"Wait, do I look okay?" Maybe my outfit was horrible or my hair looked gross. I mean, a green shirt? What was I thinking? They'd probably think I was some kind of hippie.

"You look gorgeous, now get out of here!" Maggie shot me a reassuring grin. I took a deep breath and actually made it out of the door this time.

After five minutes of looking for a parking spot I got out of the car and looked at the building in front of me. It looked bigger than I'd expected.

What if I got lost?

I'd definitely get lost!

The halls were filled with students and I was looking around to see if I could find the front desk. I still needed my schedule.

"You look like Simba being chased by hyenas." I turned to the unfamiliar voice. There was no doubt in my mind that was directed at me.

"Hi, that obvious huh? I'm new here." I told the girl in front of me. She looked nice. She had brown eyes and extremely long brown hair in a sidebraid. I think her hair reached her hips.

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