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Oh shit it's not a two parter it's just gonna be hella long hopefully. It based on Sleeping Beauty/Maleficent btw (mainly maleficent tho)

A few years back...

Jeremy sat aside from the castle, glaring at it in disgust.

He remembered his ancestors and their failed attempts at trying to rid of the Prince.

He remembered being friends with the Prince.

That was all behind him now.

The Queens didn't know what happened to him, they always saw him as someone special. That is until the day he got attacked.

The 8 year old Prince giggled as he sat in front of Jeremy, messing with one of his wings.

"Woah, these are really cool!" The Prince exclaimed, his dark brown hair bouncing as happily as he was over his tanned skin.

"Heh, thanks!" 9 year old Jeremy smiled, feeling glad to be able to show his true self to his closest friend. Having to hide something as large as wings was no easy task.

Things had been going great until the door slammed open.

"There he is!" The civilian snarled, pointing at Jeremy.

Jeremy froze up at the voice and instinctively wrapped his wings around the Prince to protect him.

"Jeremy, what's going on?" The younger of the two asked, slightly panicked.

"Shh, it's nothing Michael, I'll keep you safe."

The civilian grinned at Jeremy as the guards stalked forward and ripped Jeremy away from Michael.

Jeremy shrieked and clawed at their hands to try and get away. "Michael! No put me down!" Jeremy struggled and at one point felt a searing pain in one wing.

In a moment of sheer panic Jeremy let out a blast that radiated around the entire room. The dark blue mist from the aftermath started to fade and Jeremy at on the ground, cradling his now ripped up wing.

He looked up to see Michael unconscious on the ground with a cut going diagonally across his face and stopping at around his nose, bleeding.

Jeremy's eyes widened and he scurried over to Michael, ignoring his own pain his wing as he tried to shake Michael awake.

"Micha? Micha wake up please!" Jeremy was on the verge of sobbing and thought it couldn't get worse.

Until it did.

The Queens ran in and practically snatched their son out of Jeremy's hands, looking at him in distrust and betrayal.

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