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Hi yes this is overused but whatever I like angst anyways maybe the next one will be fluff idk

Michael sighed, stuffing his hoodie in the washing machine. He had already coughed up enough blood on it anyways and it needed to be washed.

Hanahaki. That's what he had. He didn't mean to get it, it kinda just happened one day.

"Bye Michael, I'm off on my date with Christine!" Jeremy bounced excitedly. The boy nearly destroyed human civilization to get with the girl, call that commitment.

Michael chuckled at his friend's actions and waved before closing the door.

He sighed and slid down the door, sitting on the ground. There was an ache in his chest and he didn't know why.

Well, he did, but he didn't want to acknowledge it.

That is until he felt a burning sensation in his throat. The bolted up and into the bathroom, feeling a sour taste in his mouth representing that he was going to throw up.

He got to the toilet and started coughing, trying to get whatever was in his throat out.

There was a good amount of hacking and spitting up blood, but after a few agonizing minutes, a bright red carnation stained with blood floated gently into the toilet bowl.

That was about a month and a half ago. He knew he was just stalling his time and he knew he was dying.

He was hoping for something to happen, for something to change, but it only got worse.

The squip incident wasn't a real fun time for Michael.

Even so, he persisted through and helped save the entire school with the Mountain Dew Red he had.

Jeremy was appreciative and all, but that was it. Michael really thought he might've been able to capture Jeremy's feelings then and there, but a few days later he heard that Jeremy had gotten together with Christine.

It was a heartbreaking night for Michael. The amount of flower petals and blood showed it.

Now, it was a school break and Michael had to plan his actions very carefully.

He still wanted to be with Jeremy, but he wanted his feelings as well.

He could do the surgery to get the damned flowers out of him, but that would cost him his feelings as well.

However, he could continue on and hope for Jeremy to like him (which seemed unlikely) and possibly die from it.

He had a good week or so to decide but was it really worth the pain.

He would've loved to be in Christine's position at the moment. Jeremy thought Michael was jealous of Christine for some odd reason, but in reality they were really close friends, best friends even.

However, he knew Christine also liked Jeremy (she told Michael) so he wasn't going to ruin that.

Michael sighed and dismissed the swirling thoughts in his head, attempting to go down to play video games but the painful sensation in his throat started up again. Much worse than before.

He stumbled to the ground and started coughing his lungs out, the familiar blood staining the ground as well as multicolored petals. Tears pricked his eyes as it died down, however, there was one flower that stood out to him.

A single white Lily, it's petals stained with blood.

Michael shakily got up, trying to clean up the mess, only to slip and crash his head on a table and pass out.


When he awoke, he was temporarily blinded by the familiar white lights of a hospital.

He blinked and sat up, not even feeling the slightest bit confused. However the pain of the petals was gone so that was good.

"Micha? Oh thank god you're awake!" Michael looked over to his mom (Mallory because yes), who rushed to hug her son.

He only blinked, staring blankly at her.

She sniffled and pulled away, staring at him. "Oh my poor baby, it really did work..."

"What do you mean?" Michael asked.

"The surgery, I saw you passed out on the ground upstairs surrounded by those petals...and the white Lily," Mallory sniffled and wiped her tears.

"I quickly rushed you here and told them your condition, and they did the surgery to save your life. Oh Micha why didn't you tell me?" She cried, hugging her emotionless son tightly.

"I didn't want to ruin whatever Jeremy had with Christine. It's kind of stupid now that I think about it," Michael replied.

"You'll be checked out tomorrow after they run some tests, then we can figure out how to tell your friends, okay?"

Michael nodded and laid back, staring ahead.

Mallory went to the door and looked back at her son, more tears running down her cheeks. She quickly turned away and left the room, not ready to accept the truth yet.


Skip to like a month later

Michael sat with a sobbing Jeremy, imitating sympathy for his friend.

"I-I don't know why she broke up with me...I-I thought t-things were going g-good!" Jeremy sobbed and Michael pat his back.

Michael didn't care. He couldn't care, however, he had learned to express mock emotions to keep people from getting suspicious.

Sure there was a way to earn your emotions back, but that was way too rare to happen and Michael didn't even attempt it.

So he just silently pat Jeremy on the back, making sure Jeremy wouldn't notice his blank face or lack of sympathy in his words.

Eventually, Jeremy fell asleep on Michael's chest. He looked peacefully other than the tear streaks on his face and eye bags under his eyes.

Had this happened say, 3 months ago, Michael would be a blushing mess. However, Michael believed that would ever happen again. He was okay with it.

No emotions meant no more heartbreak, and what was the problem with that?

So he just sighed and curled up next to his friend, dozing off.

However, Michael was unaware of the rising blush on his cheeks as he cuddled next to Jeremy.

;) Hanahaki is a nice trope tbh

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