Hoods and Hides

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Lmao remember when I would put the ship I'm writing about here? Yeah me neither it's literally all boyfs with a sprinkle of other ships but I have a long list of ships I stan in BMC and 1 crossover ship (So far)

Also, credit to Undertalefanh101hi

Anyway Jer and Micha didn't meet yet in this au

In this world, there were many types of people. They ranged from humans to vampires to witches and warlocks. However, in today's story, we will only be focused on werewolves.

Now, the human race is a greedy, selfish race, we can't really deny that. This is bad for those of other races. Humans had been slaughtering and enslaving them for centuries. If they hadn't died from the start and were kept enslaved, they would usually kill themselves to keep from being tortured.

Death was much more favorable than torture.

I can't elaborate on how, but if someone ever tells you death, a very permanent thing that you can't return from, is a better outcome than torture, something that is temporary and can be stopped at any moment, you better know it was bad.

This leads us to present time, where other races are scarce. There are very few who were able to survive in daily human life and have to go to extra measures to make sure they stay alive.

Because they are so scarce, there aren't enough to help each other out, meaning it's practically every man/woman for themselves.

The poor would of Michael Mell had to learn that very young.

"Micha keep your hoodie up!" His mother snapped before they walked out of the house.

"But why?? It's so stupid and I hate it!" Little Michael whined, reluctantly pulling his hoodie up over the light gray wolf ears that sat atop his head.

"Micha, please, don't complain and don't pull your hoodie down in public. I...I just want to keep you safe."

"From what? My friends don't have to do this."

"Because you're friends aren't like you! Do any of them have ears like yours?"

"Well, no..." Michael never really thought of it.

"That's because they are humans, you are not. Your mother, your biological mother, was just like you. She passed down her wolf side to you...of course, your father wasn't very pleased when he learned what she was..."

Time seemed to stop for little Michael. "So dad...he...he killed her?!"

Charlotte sighed and nodded, kneeling down.

"He wanted you to join her in that better place, but she wouldn't let him. She attacked back and killed him before she could go to. She died so that you would live Micha. Please don't let it go to waste."

Michael sniffled and nodded slowly, wiping his eyes of any loose tears.
"O-okay, I'll be strong...like her."

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