Frozen Yogurt

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Oh look, it Pinkberry!

"C'mon Chloe! They're gonna close soon and if I don't get any frozen yogurt I'm never going to talk to you again!" Brooke whined like a six year old as she stood by the car.

Chloe only laughed before complying and getting the car, Brooke taking the passenger side.

"Okay okay you lil brat," Chloe joked and laughed more when Brooke let out an offended gasp.

"Me?! A brat?? Impossible!"

"Mhm, so very impossible."

"Chloe we haven't even left yet! The place closes in 20 minutes and I want my frozen yogurt now woman," Brooke huffed and crossed her arms.

Chloe giggled and kissed her girlfriends cheek before starting up the car and backing out.

"You're absolutely adorable, Brooke."

Brooke blushed and shut up after that, taking to looking out the window excitedly as they drove towards the Pinkberry.

Ironically enough, their friends gave them the ship name 'Pinkberry' and they just agreed, saying it fit. (It was Michael's idea first)

However, Brooke wasn't really sure if they knew how the concept of ship names worked considering it was usually a combination of the two 'lovers' names.

What would they be anyways? Crooke? Brooe? Chlroe?? Maybe Pinkberry was for the best anywyas.

Once she decided to join in on the fun and call Rich and Jake 'Arson Bros' because the fire at Jake's house really brought them together and even though they agreed, Brooke could easily see how uncomfortable it made them.

(Jenna told her later on it was because Rich didn't want to be reminded and/or named after the fire he set as a suicide attempt and Jake didn't want to remember that moment was the eye opener to the fact that his parents weren't coming back to 'such a disappointment'. Brooke apologized to them after that and made it up to them with frozen yogurt.)

Brooke immediately dismissed her thoughts as she saw the Pinkberry appear brightly in the distance. She bounced in her seat like an excited child going to get a you they've wanted for months.

She heard Chloe giggle beside her and blushed, but that didn't stop her excitement as they pulled into the parking lot.

They rushed out and head inside just as a middle aged couple walked out with their kid. (Oh no)

The couple looked at the girls suspiciously until the kid smiled and ran over to them.

"You two are really pretty! Are you friends?" The kid asked, messing with the ends of his shoulder length chocolate brown hair.

Chloe crouched down and said "Yes!" Loudly for the parents to hear but then leaned into the kid and started whispering.

"Actually, we're girlfriends! I don't think your parents would be happy with us telling you that so you have to keep it a secret between us," Chloe explained with a smile as the parents waited impatiently.

The kid nodded and grinned. "Okay! Momma and papa say it's bad for a boy to date a boy and a girl to date a girl but I don't really believe them. Plus, I have a crush on this really cute kid in class but I gotta keep it a secret! Can you do that for me?" The kid asked.

Chloe smiled wider and nodded, giving them a high five. "Of course I can! Follow your dreams kid, maybe you even get with your crush and be happy!" Chloe stood up and pat the kid on the head.

"I'm Connor by the way, bye!" Tiny Connor giggled before running back off to his parents and taking their hands before the group walked off.

Brooke giggled and kissed Chloe on the cheek before walking inside the Pinkberry.

"You would be a great motivator Chlo," Brooke complimented.

"Just trying to make up for my bitchiness and help others," Chloe responded with a sigh before getting a cup to fill up.

Brooke immediately stiffened, knowing exactly what Chloe was talking about. She hadn't forgiven her fully but the fact that Chloe was being open about making up from her terrible past mistakes and acting on it was enough for Brooke.

"Hey, don't worry about it! How aboutttt, after we pay, we go to the park and sit on the swing set while looking at the stars together!" Brooke suggested happily.

Chloe cracked a smile and nodded, giving Brooke a tiny kiss.

"That sounds absolutely amazing."

Aaaaaaa Pinkberry + A tiny Chloe redemption ark is what I live for

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