Brains and Plants??

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Oop another PJO AU but this one is a twist so uwu

Also I don't think I mentioned it but I'm in New York right now! I'll be here until the 8th so!

"Michael! Dude what'd you get on the test?" Christine ran up to him, practically bouncing in step.

"Oh uhhh, I got a 92," Michael smiled as Christine stopped smiling, it turning into a fake pout.

"Whaaaat? No fair! You didn't even study!"

"It's called understanding when told the first time Chrissy," Michael shrugged, pulling her along to the outside of the school building.

"Yeah yeah whatever," Christine huffed, letting herself be dragged along. As they walked outside, Christine watched some of the kids scrambling around, planting flowers to try and make the school look nicer up front. She pointed it out to Michael, who snickered.

"Stop making fun of them Mikey! That's rude," Christine huffed, glaring playfully.


"Ms. Canigula, Mr. Mell! Did you think you could escape detention?" A teacher called out from the top of the stairs, glaring at the two. (Yall should know wassup)

"Dangit," Christine mumbled, turning back around dramatically.

Michael groaned as they walked back to the school building, ignoring the weird looks they got from the other students. "I never liked Mrs. Crum for this very reason," Michael said quietly to Christine, who smacked him on the arm and hissed at him to not get them in more trouble.

"This way you two," The teacher spoke, glaring at them.

She led them into the detention room and closed the door behind her, locking it as well as Christine and Michael sat down at desks next to each other.

"What did we do this time?" Michael asked, leaning back in his chair only to spring up when the atmosphere got colder. He glanced at Christine, who had glanced back to signal she felt it too.

She slowly stood up, keeping an eye on the teacher as she moved to a desk closer to the door.

"Michael Mell. Christine Canigula," Mrs. Crum started, glaring at the two with obvious disain in her eyes. "Do you know why you're here?"

"No, care to explain?" Michael responded immediately, getting a glare from Christine in return.

Mrs. Crum stared the two down, not speaking for a moment. The temperature suddenly got colder and the teens heard a low hiss erupt from their teacher.

"You two aren't supposed to exist. He will pay me handsomely to make sure I get rid of you both," she grinned, her voice deepened to a growl and her eyes began to glow a scolding but wispy red. She seemed to become translucent as a darkened sword formed into her hands.

Christine about shrieked and stumbled out of her desk, beelining it straight to the door to open it.
She felt Michael scramble to her side moments later.

"It's locked, keep moving!" Michael grabbed her wrist and yanked her away from the door. She barely dodged the blade that fame hurling at her seconds later.

"What the fuck what the fuck what the fuck," Michael mumbled as he and Christine leapt around desks and to the two windows to try and pry them open, all of which, to none of their surprise, were locked.

"What do we do?" Christine hissed, yelping and hopping away as she got a nasty cut on her arm.

Michael scanned the room. "Stand in front of the doorknob."

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