Fighting Your Battles

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Wow look at me trying to be frequent, I need to write the 2nd part of a different oneshot I enjoyed writing heck

Update: lol I failed that testing kicked my ass but I'm free now

In your cliche hero story, normally a higher deity sends a "hero" to go face the antagonist, yes? Well, this story takes place in this cliche, only with a twist.

The higher deities, known as Jeremy and the SQUIP had been quiet for decades. Many questioned what happened to them until suddenly, Jeremy spoke, sending 2 kids no older than 10 on a quest to the deep depths of the caverns to "get rid of" 2 villains that had been torturing the Jeremy claimed.

And that, my readers, is how our story begins.


"Do we have to go Rich?" Michael, maybe 4, asked his older "brother". They weren't blood related, no, but the Mells had taken Rich in with no hesitation after they found him wandering the streets of the big city Quatrome.

"Yes Mikey, now come along and pack your food bag, you know how hungry you can get on the road," Rich, maybe 9, spoke, motioning to the cabinet of snacks the family kept.

Michael nodded and got another satchel, beginning to fill it with his and Rich's favorite snacks.

Their mothers, Mikayla and Audrey came down the stairs, teary eyed as they watched their sons pack.

They were against the whole situation and were bitter against the higher deities, but what could they do?

When they had finished packing, Audrey came forward and gave them both a tight embrace, not wanting to let go. She only reluctantly pulled away when Mikayla tapped her shoulder.

Mikayla kissed their foreheads, placing a gold necklace around each of their necks for good luck.

"Be safe you two, we love you," Mikayla murmured quietly.

"Love you too mama!" Michael smiled and hugged her leg, clinging on tightly.

Rich rolled his eyes and smiled, hugging Audrey.

Eventually, they let go and Rich took Michael's hand. With their bags, they departed their home and to the caverns.

At the edge of the small village, however, the two were stopped as glimmering appeared in front of them, then morphing into Jeremy and SQUIP.

The two deities raised an eyebrow at the two, watching as they bowed deeply in front of them.

"Okay, enough of that," Jeremy dismissed with the wave of his hand and Rich and Michael straightened up, looking between him and SQUIP in awe.

"We came here to personally wish you luck on your quest. We also came to gift you two these," SQUIP spoke coldly, though softened slightly as he held out his hands, letting a bronze sword form in one and dual daggers in the other.

Rich was handed the sword and he looked it over as Michael was handed the daggers.

Michael looked confused as his eyes glazed over slightly, a hue of light blue forming. "These remind me of...joysticks?" The thought made a headache flare up and both he and Jeremy flinched.

" what-?" Rich started but was cut off by SQUIP.

"You must be on your way, those villains are extremely dangerous and will stop at nothing to make sure they get their way. We wish you the greatest luck."

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