Trust Issues

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Inspired off a lil fic I read

Also, spider!Jer

Jeremy leapt off the building, desperately trying to pull off his costume as he turned into the neighborhood. He slipped on his hoodie and when he reached his house, slid in through the basement door. Thank god he asked for his room to be in the basement.

He quickly slipped into bed after hastily shoving his back into his closet. Minutes later, his dad poked his head in and after determining Jeremy was asleep, closed the door and headed upstairs.

Jeremy silently praised himself, being able to get back in without being caught.

He had to balance out his superhero life and his regular life and that wasn't as simple as it may have seemed in the movies.

See, there were 2 types of people, humans and the supernaturals. Humans were...well, human. Supernaturals ranged from creature to creature, some more monster or human than others.

Jeremy happened to be Half human-half spider, which was hella cool in his opinion. He could make webs and stick to walls and detect when something bad was about to happen.

Thing was, his friends didn't know he was a supernatural and he wanted it to stay that way.

Most of his friends following the squip incident were found to be supernatural, excluding Michael, Rich, and Christine. They all found a way to bond over this, including Jeremy.

Jeremy felt guilty for lying to them basically all his life, but it was better than them getting hurt, right?

Jeremy could've sworn he had something to do before he went crime fighting, but he could remember.

It's fine, he told himself as he drifted off, nothing too bad probably.



"Why didn't you come over last night?" Michael asked as he gripped the car handle, waiting for Jeremy to get in.


"Oh uh...I forgot and fell asleep, m'sorry.." Jeremy mumbled, resting his hand in Michael's, who swiped his hand away quickly to place back on the wheel.

Jeremy wouldn't lie if he said he flinched.

"Whatever, it's fine I guess. Rich came over instead so it wasn't that bad," Michael mumbled, keeping his eyes on the road.

Jeremy felt a pang of jealousy but shoved it down. He had no reason to be jealous, especially not to Rich, who he had gotten close with.

Instead, Jeremy nodded and looked out the window.

"Did you hear about what Spider-Man did last night?" Michael asked, his mood slightly improved.

"No, I was asleep.." Jeremy answered, a lie.

"He took down a group of armed shooters, all by himself! It was pretty cool," Michael rambled, excited about the hero.

"It was alright, I guess," Jeremy muttered, feeling slightly at how Michael glorified his alter-ego. It was almost sad to say the least.

"Just alright? I know you don't like him much for some reason but you could at least act happy," Michael huffed.

"For some reason? Dude, you know what happens in the movies, the 'biggest fan's usually ends up getting the most hurt over their obsession with a hero they'll never meet," Jeremy retorted, sounding much harsher than he intended.

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