Hangout Time

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Fuck it, in honor of Expenisve Headphones being canon in the Broadway version of BMC (I think), yall are getting EH

Jeremy smiled and thanked Michael as he ran off to go talk to Brooke. Michael kept a smile up until Jeremy was out of view before letting it drop.

"Asshole," he mumbled under his breath as he shut his locker, walking to his first class. Michael's relationship with Jeremy was kinda iffy at the moment.

You don't really forget when someone just easily casts you aside to be a more popular person. It really does show some of their true colors.

Not to mention Jeremy didn't even utter much of a "sorry" at all. At least, not a genuine sorry. It all gets annoying to say the least.

Michael sat down in the back instead of his usual seat and put his hoodie up, taking out his journal and getting ready for the day.

Skippity Skap

Michael walked outside to the little benches placed outside the school, his lunch in hand. Not the school lunch, mind you, that shit is barely considered edible.

He started to eat when suddenly he looked up, spotting Rich running towards him with a smile. (Gaydar going off mf)

Rich slid down next to him and grinned.

"Tho," Rich started, his lisp evident. Ever since he got rid of the squip, he had been speaking with a lisp and while he was slightly self conscious about it, Michael and their little friend group found it adorable (Michael more so than the others).


"You and caramel haired anxiety, are you two a thing?" Rich asked.

Michael snorted and laughed, promptly choking on his food. "Oh god no, he's my best friend. If you wanna know, he has eyes on Brooke."

"Not Chrithtine?" The dude conthumed a thuper computer and nearly got the thchool taken over for her."

"Nah, Christine has her eyes on Jenna. She made sure to let Jeremy know and he was fine with it," Michael shrugged.

"Damn, I heard Chloe and Jake got back together, I don't think it'th gonna latht long though," Rich grinned at the idea of it.

"So it's just me and you who are the single ones, not that I mind or anything or course," Michael said casually.

"I gueth tho," Rich shrugged. "Hey, you wanna come to my plathe later today? My dad won't be there tho."

"Yes sure, we can go after school," Michael smiled and got up, heading to the trash can.

"Alright, it'th a date," Rich giggled madly before running off into the school, leaving a flustered Michael behind.


"Dude your face is all red...who are you going on the date with?" Christine asked, currently being carried by Michael on his back.

"How did- you know what, nevermind. It's Rich, and we're only hanging out," Michael mumbled, sincerely wishing he could hide in his hoodie more than anything.

"Okay, so a date. You know~" Christine started, a sly grin on her face as they entered the auditorium.

Oh no. Michael knew that face from anywhere and he wasn't sure if he was ready for what she had to say.

"A little birdy told me you have the hots for Rich."

Michael nearly dropped Christine.


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