It'll All Be Okay

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Low-key stan Sexy Headphones?? It's definetly one that's out there but like,,,I still stan?? Anyway I read a oneshot (coughs HeereandThere has some goodass One shots and stories) and I was inspired so here we are.

Also how do I have over 1k reads??? This book is terrible??? What????

Michael huffed as he shuffled down the stairs of Jake's house. One thing he knew for sure is that if he had hated parties before, he absolutely revolted them now.

A party is not the typical place to be dumped by your best friend, but I guess luck was just something Michael could never have on his side.

He sighed as he down the corridor, trying his very best to ignore the smell of alcohol everywhere. As he walked past the kitchen, he slipped the costume/disguise he wore inside.

He and Jeremy had made it together and were really proud of it, but now whenever Michael thought about it, it just made him angry. He was mad at Jeremy and at the moment, truly despised him with all his heart.

Being cast off in such a way really did open his eyes in a sense. He learned, the hard way, that friendship truly meant nothing when there's a better chance for something better. Clearly, to Jeremy, Michael wasn't that "something better". Okay, he could deal with that.

You just gotta move on, and that's exactly what Michael planned on doing.

As he walked through the front door, he heard...crying. He looked around and spotted someone with their knees pulled up, crying quietly.

Michael was quick to recognize the girl as none other than Brooke Lohst, 2nd most popular girl. It surprised Michael to see her of all people crying. Then again, she was human.

He expected her to be with Jeremy, as he was her "boyfriend" after all. He involuntarily rolled his eyes at the thought.

Not the time, go help her you dumb fuck.

Michael hesitantly walked up to her, sitting down and setting a hand on her shoulder gently. He kept some distance but other than that he stayed quiet.

She jumped, which Michael considered understandable, before looking up at him.

"Oh...hi..." she frowned and looked away.

"Hey, are you okay?" Michael asked gently.

"," Brooke responded honestly, sighing and letting her legs stretch out with her arms at her sides.

"What happened? Someone as nice as you doesn't deserve to be sad at a party like this."

"I wouldn't want to burden you with my problems-"

"Bullshit," Michael grinned. "I don't think anyone is going to ask you anytime soon, so you might as well."

He heard Brooke giggle lightly, making his grin soften into a light smile.

"Okay well...I was supposed to come to this party with my boyfriend. I'm sure you know him, he's like your best friend, right?"

Michael flinched and didn't respond, hoping Brooke would take it as a sign to contiune.

She noticed his lack of response and frowned. "Well, I was going to meet up with him, but I found him in the bedroom."

Not so bad-

"...with Chloe."

Oh shit.

"It's bad, I know," Michael must've done some hardcore glare for Brooke to respond like that.

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