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Oh wow a somewhat informational yet fun oneshot based on a converstion I had with some close friends

Michael walked down the street with Jeremy, holding his hand. They had started dating not too long ago and Michael was enjoying every minute of it.

Truth be told, he had feelings for his friend, but he couldn't explain it. He could easily say that he was gay but it didn't seem right to him. He wouldn't mind getting with a girl either as long as he knew them well and formed a type of bond with him, like Jeremy.

He consulted Christine, of course. She had always been there for him, even when it seemed like she wasn't. When they talked, Michael had expressed he was uncomfortable with the idea of sex with any gender so he learned he was asexual there, but when he expressed his romantic feelings, even she was stumped.

She googled it on her phone and looked up. "What about demiromantic?" She showed him the definition and he smiled slightly.

"That sounds like it. Thanks Chrissy," Christine shot him a playful glare then laughed.

"No problem Micha."

And now Michael had gotten together with the boy of his dreams and everything was perfect. They had their slushies and were talking happily up until some mother with her child walked up to them.

Michael and Jeremy shared a look that said "Oh boy, here we go"

"Um, why are you two holding hands?"

"Because we're a couple," Jeremy responded and Michael had to hold back from kissing him right there. Jeremy had some confidence problems ever since the squip came around. It had really messed him up to try and get what it wanted.

The lady glared at them in disgust then pulled her child closer. "You two are just confused, you teenagers will end this phase of liking the same gender sooner or lat-"

"There's no such thing as having a phase for being in love, ma'am. Your point is wrong," Michael said and rose an eyebrow.

She narrowed her eyes and noticed Michael's patch. "Of course you're gay. You look like a gay man, big and all that but deep down you're just trying to pass it off as being cool," the lady sneered as she picked at the patch but Michael smacked her hand away, glaring.

"Listen here lady. This patch is supposed to represent my moms. They are both loving parents who raised me just as well as a stright couple since my dad couldn't be there for me. If you can't respect that then don't confront us about your whiny homophobia."

"But the bible says-"

"I'm Jewish, I don't read the bible," Jeremy responded coldly, his eye twitching slightly.

"Athiest," Michael followed. The lady's face swelled with anger.

"You'll realize soon enough that being gay is a crime. I bet you two have sex everyday like the slutty boys you are."

Jeremy's eyes flared an electric blue. He glared so hard at the lady thst if looks could kill, she would've been dead minutes ago.

"Never assume that just because we're together we're fucking gay. Shut up with your stupid bible facts or saying that we're confused because we're not. I'm Bi thank you very much and my lovely boyfriend is asexual and demi romantic, take the time to look it up instead of wasting it here because I can't stand your presence here. Anyone can be with who they want to be with, no matter what. Now you're going to leave and never bother another couple again. Ask another dumbass question here and I'll make sure you regret it," Jeremy hissed then grabbed Michael's arm, stomping away.

They heard the woman huff in anger then walk off.

"Damn, that was hot," Michael whispered with a small smile.

Jeremy blinked as his eyes went back to normal then laughed. "Why'd you do that Micha, you know she's not gonna listen."

"I didn't do it for her, I did it for her kid. He'll learn to not be homophobic and learn that there are other options than just being gay rather than having to listen to her nonsense," Michael smiled proudly to himself.

He then felt a tug on his pant leg and looked back to see the kid. He giggled. "You a con...confid...confident guy! I like you, can I stay with you?"

Michael and Jeremy looked at each other and smiled. "Sorry kiddo but no. Come here though," Michael bent down as the kid came closer.

"Don't listen to what she says about being gay or whatever, that's just her being a big bully," Michael said softly.

The kid gasped. "I hate big bullies...they pick on me a lot," he started messing with the hem of his shirt.

Jeremy bent down and took his hands. "They'll go away eventually, you just have to keep going, no matter what. Just stick with the person you trust the most."

"You mean Connor?"

"Do you trust him the most?"

"Yeah! He's nice to me and never takes my cookies!"

"That's good, help him out too, it'll go a long away. What's your name?"

"Evan. Evan Ha...hans...Evan Hands!"

"Okay Evan, take care," Michael shoved him along gently and Evan ran off, yelling bye to them.

Michael sighed and stood up, leaning on Jeremy as he stood up. "That was the best thing to do in my life."


yO my hc is that Micha is ace and demi-rom. Fook ur gay stereotype of him. Okay nah I'm being mean but it's really how I hc Michael. People have really ruined him and made him this sad, depressed, gay innocent boy and lemme just say that needs to stop. He doesn't have to be gay, and he is nowhere near depressed. One panic attack doesn't outline how your entire mental health is. Everyone will experience a panic attack in their lives, doesn't mean they're gay. And don't even get me started on the "innocent uwu pure boi" trope. I hate it and you're not gonna see it in this book unless a certain situation applies, like my god au where Michael doesn't understand anything fully yet. He's a strong independent character with flaws and a complex mindset, not some dumb innocent character. If you're expecting that here, you'll gonna achieve nothing. This applies for others like Heather M, Evan, or John L. #StopRuiningGoodCharactersAndMakingThemUwUPureBabsWhoCanDoNoWrong

Okay I'm done with my ted talk lmao

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