Nighttime Troubles

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Smol boyfs. Kinda continuing off the last smol boyfs like a series that also isn't a series woh.

Michael yawned quietly and squeaked when he realized who was holding him and who he was holding.

Despite being the young 4 year old he was, he was still hella gay for Jeremy and that's all be could really remember.

Michael giggled and kissed Jeremy's cheek before climbing off the bed to stumble around for his glasses.

Unfortunately for Michael, he found them on the ground. One lens was popped out and partially shattered while the other was somewhat okay.

Desperately trying to fix them, he ended up getting a cut on his hand and started sobbing from the pain.

"M-Mama? Mama!" Michael sobbed, getting up. He could also remember Christine declaring she would be his mama since his original one left. He couldn't help but wonder if Christine was lying and left too.

The thought made the poor 4 year old start sobbing more as he wobbled to the door, failing terribly at trying to open it.

He had pretty much given up hope and sat at the floor of the bed, sobbing his heart out.

That is, until Christine practically burst into the room with some candy stuffed in her pockets.

Michael sniffled and looked at her.

"M-mama?" He whispered quietly while wiping away his tears with the hand that wasn't cut.

Christine smiled and nodded, crouching down and motioning him to come over.

Michael sniffled again and slowly got up, quickly making his way over to Christine and clinging onto her like she'd disappear if he didn't.

"Hey, I'm here now. Don't cry okay?" Michael nodded and Chrisitne picked him up, hugging him tightly.

Michael nodded and held onto her, ignoring the fact that he was getting blood all over her shirt.

"I t-thought you l-left, like m-my first mama..." Michael admitted quietly, feeling more tears roll down his cheeks.

Christine sat on the bed and set Michael in her lap, petting him gently.

"I'd never leave you two, even if you wanted me to. Never forget that. Where are your glasses?" Christine asked calmly and Michael pointed to the mess of glass and the frame sitting on the ground.

"Oh my, did you try to fix them?"

Michael nodded sheepishly and showed her his hand. She inspected it and got up, holding him while taking him to the bathroom.

She sat him on the sink and got a pair of tweezers. She noticed Michael fidgeting and giggled, singing a soft tone to him.

He quickly picked up on the tune and sang along with her while she removed any glass in his palm.

She then got bandages and wrapped his palm up while still singing.

Just as she finished up, a tiny Jeremy stumbled into the bathroom with tired eyes.

"Mama? Is Micha okay?" Jeremy mumbled and Christine nodded, picking them both up.

"He's just fine Jer, I was just about to take him back to bed."

"Oh...okay..." Jeremy yawned and dozed off immediately after being set in bed. Michael was set down next to him and he quickly scooted next to his (boyf)riend, yawning quietly.

Christine took the opportunity to clean up the glass on the floor and kiss their foreheads goodnight while humming the song again. (Well good morning since it was 5am but shh)

"M-Mama..." Michael mumbled out sleepily.

"Yes Micha?"

"I...I love you..." Michael got out before dozing off with a small smile.

"I love you too Micha, I love both of you very much," Christine whispered before getting up and leaving the room quietly, glancing at the sleeping boys and smiling to herself as she closed the door.

Headcannon that despite Jer being good at calming Michael down from panic/anxiety attacks, Christine can do it like 50x better using the song she hummed to him (Safe and Sound)

Also headcannon that Christine and Michael as like close ass buds because of this whole situation because a caring happy stronk Christine is best Christine.

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