The Ballad of Jeremy Heere (3/8)

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Chapter 3: The Power of a Lie


WARNINGS: Heavy murder mention (via choking); Mentions of past murder (referencing last chapter);  Referenced "Suicide"; ;Blood Mention; ;Mentions of Underage Drinking; Swearing; Seriously, This is Really Dark and I Implore You to be Careful


The Squip was shocked at its host's change in mentality. 

Well, shocked wasn't the right word for it.  Maybe astonished, or impressed, or as impressed as a computer could be. It looked at the scene before them.

Jeremy, on his feet, his hands bloodied and a similarly, if not worse looking rock beside the smashed in head of Richard Goranski. Maybe impressed was the right word after all.

"You know very well you have to clean up before you can go after your next target Jeremiah."

Jeremy nodded slowly and began the process of taking Rich's body to the same dumpster Brooke was in. It started with using his jacket actually hold the body, an idea from the Squip to keep any suspicious fingerprints off. 

When Jeremy returned, he looked at the blood splattered on the grass. "This was a bit messier than I intended…"

"That's why you don't act before thinking, Jeremiah. However, lucky for you, I predict it will rain in the next few hours and no one coming out the back exits will notice the blood, they'll be too intoxicated. Get rid of your outfit, preferably by burning and you should be good until the next target."

It noticed the small gleam of joy that sparked in Jeremy's eyes as he listened to the computer and made his way home.

Wordlessly and obediently, the Squip followed behind its host.


"Your next target is Jenna Rolan."

"Wouldn't that cause more trouble? She is the gossiper," Jeremy commented as he rummaged through his room for old clothes he didn't wear anymore, also finding some gloves in the processing and putting them on per the Squip's request.

"Well, yes...and no. She's the gossiper, but she's also not cared about much in your school environment.  She may have gained a few friends but to everyone else, she's still just a gossip girl."

Jeremy nodded thoughtfully. "What should I do this time?"

"Invite her over. Tell her you want to apologize for your behavior and want to get to know her better. She's still craving for attention she doesn't get and you two aren't that close." The Squip explained as it watched Jeremy type out a message on his phone.

"Dad won't be here, he's got a meeting today…" Jeremy murmured aloud as he set his phone down.

"I assume she agreed?"

Jeremy smiled and nodded, getting up. He scrambled around the house some more, emerging minutes later with some type of rope. "Can you help me with this part?" He asked as he got some pen and paper.

The Squip blinked as it processed the idea Jeremy proposed. 



By the time they finished, there was a knock at the door. Jeremy slid the letter in his desk drawer and pushed the rope under his bed. The Squip could tell his rush from the previous victim was wearing off, seeing as how he was much more fidgety than before.

"You can't be doubting yourself about this Jeremiah. You know very well I will do what I have to in order to make sure your goal is met."

"I know! I'm just...getting myself prepared...yeah…" Jeremy rushed down the stairs to get to the door, ignoring the unimpressed look the Squip shot him.

Jeremy took a deep breath and opened the door. He was met with the site of Jenna typing away on her phone, not even looking up to acknowledge him.

"I thought you were never gonna open the door Heere, though I guess it would've been fine either way," she glanced up and at his hands, "and what's with the gloves, trying out a new look?" she huffed as she slid her phone in her back pocket. 

Jeremy ignored her comment and noticed no car in the driveway. Perfect.

"Are you going to invite me in?"

"Oh, right! Come on in…" Jeremy stepped to the side to let the girl in. She looked him distrustfully but stepped inside the house and looked around as Jeremy closed and locked the door.

"We can hang out in my room…" He wrinkled his nose at Jenna's expression, irritation seeping into his features. "No, not like that." 

She stuck her tongue out at him and started up the stairs, Jeremy following close behind. 

Once in the room, Jenna decided to comment. "Your room looks weird."

"Thanks," Jeremy supplied sarcastically as he took a spot on his bed, Jenna on his desk chair.

"So, why did you really invite me over? I doubt you actually 'want to get to know me better'." Jenna asked, an eyebrow raised as she waited for Jeremy's response.

"And if I do? What's so wrong with that? If you didn't trust me, you wouldn't be here right now." Jeremy glared, shooting daggers at the girl. 

Jenna was silent for a moment.

"You're right, I don't know why I came here. I'm leaving," she got up and made her way to the door.

Unfortunately for Jenna, she barely made it down the first step before she felt something wrap around her neck and yank her back, painfully tight. 

She immediately stumbled to the ground, making whatever it was around her neck choke her more. Above her, she vaguely saw the blank expression of Jeremy and the thick rope material in his hands as he pulled on it more.

She clawed messily at the rope, choking out a cry as the world around her quickly faded to black, very clearly pointing out the end of her short life.

Once Jeremy was certain Jenna was out for good, he went back and grabbed the letter, thinking for a moment before grabbing Jenna's hand and pressing them onto the paper here and there. He then used it as a 'wipe' for the tears that had escaped the girl as she was struggling. 

The Squip nodded. "Good addition."

It instructed Jeremy out through the back of his house and into the woods that was behind his home. Jeremy certainly strained to drag Jenna along, but he managed as he went deeper into the thick trees and branches.

"There." The Squip instructed, pointing at a somewhat large tree nearby. Jeremy huffed and dragged Jenna over. 

He allowed the Squip to take over, watching as his hands expertly unwrapped the rope around the girl's neck and tied it before placing it around her neck again.

He watched and felt as the Squip block the pain receptors from his strained muscles and, with some effort, tied the other end of the rope on one of the thick branches. 

It gave Jeremy his control back to place the final piece of the scene. 

Jeremy slid the note out of his own pocket and into Jenna's as he took her phone. After a quick scan, it allowed for Jeremy to throw the phone onto a rock and leave it below the girl's hanging body.

Satisfied, Jeremy nodded and turned back, heading home. The Squip followed.

As they made their way back to Jeremy's home, it studied the boy.

Impressed, the Squip concluded. 

Impressed was the word.

Woop! Look at me writing words on a page woah

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