A New Layer of Destruction

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I've had writers block for who knows how long but I'm ready to come back with my smol boyfs+ tiny hothead with some destruction and angst so have fun

Jake ran around the house, calling out for Rich while Christine searched the basement for Michael and Jeremy.

"Jeremy? Michael! Come out and I promise to give you all the cookies you want!" Christine yelled, panicking. Cookies were a last resort.

There was a cease of giggling, and Christine knew they were thinking. Unfortunately, she didn't get a response and the sound of tiny footsteps contiuned.

She groaned and went back up the stairs, only to trip once she got to the top. She looked back to see a tripwire at the foot of the door.

"Oh no...Jake watch out, they've got traps everywhere!" (This some Home Alone shit)

"They have what-" there was a shriek and Jake came sliding down the stairs and in addition to insult, the skateboard she tripped on came out from under his feet, hit the wall and bounced up, then hit him square in the face.

Christine watched in horror as Jake only sighed and picked up the skateboard, throwing it in the closet.

"Little brats," he mumbled and froze when Rich stared up at him with wide eyes in the closet.

"Meanie!" Rich stuck his tongue out at Jake and zipped out of the closet and back up the stairs, presumably where Jeremy and Michael were.

"Jake what have you done?!" Christine gasped.

"I didn't expect him to be there!"

"They have ears everywhere," Christine groaned and stomped up the stairs. She was planning to search everywhere, but it turned out she didn't need to look much since she sound of sniffles was loud and clear.

She cautiously walked up to the main bathroom and pushed the door open. "Rich?"

"Go away!" Rich whined and ducked his head in the bathtub. The water was running.

"Rich!" Christine whipped the curtains open.

She saw a grinning Rich holding the shower hose thingy, pointed directly at Christine.

"Have a nice shower!" He chirped and pulled the little thing that you see in the back of a sink to keep the water from draining and as you can tell the writer has no idea what it's called or how to describe it but anyway.

The shower hose blasted water directly at Christine and she stumbled back in surprise.

Rich giggled evilly and got out of the tub, soaking wet but feeling thoroughly happy as he ran out of the bathroom.

Christine scrambled to turn off the water before chasing after him, only to see he had disappeared once again.

There was another shriek from downstairs and Jake came racing up the stairs, his hair dripping with what Christine could only assume was a mix of ketchup and mustard.

"Where did they get the time to plan this?!" Jake looked to be on the verge of tears.

"I don't know, but I don't want them getting hurt do buck up pretty boy, we have some toddlers to find," Christine took a deep breath and walked down the stairs, only to find Michael standing at the base of them.

"Hi mama!"

"Oh my god you're not hurt thank god."

"Mhm! Do you have any cookies?" Michael smiled.

"Of course I do, do you, Jeremy and Rich want some?" Christine asked cautiously.

"Wait really?" Michael asked, bewildered.

"Well yeah...I don't think Jake can handle anymore pranks..." Christine glanced at the top of the stairs where Jake was.

"Oh...you're not going to hurt us?"

"No, why would I?"

Michael looked absolutely confused and took a step back.

Christine stayed put, not sure whether to move or not.

"Well...in that case..." he grinned and tossed something to Christine before running off in a fit of giggles. She noticed he was wearing the ovenmits from the kitchen.

"Christine no!" Jake was scrambling down the stairs as she caught it but quickly dropped it as it had burned her hands.

She looked down to see a small ball, steaming on the ground. It was clear it had been sitting next to the fireplace for a while.

Jake quickly picked it up and ran to the kitchen, dropping it in the sink and running cold water on it. No doubt he would have burns on his hands for a while, Christine's hands were already starting to blister.

Jake trudged to the living room and plopped on the couch, starting to sob. (Jake is me 100%)

Christine only sighed and admitted defeat, sitting down next to Jake and putting her face in her hands, despite the pain.

If this is what taking care of kids was supposed to be like, Christine wasn't sure she was truly ready to take care of any. So far, she had only dealt with them when they were calm, never like this.

Unfotunately, she started thinking of her parents. Had she been like this to them and this is why there were barely around now? She knew she had been a hyper child, but had it been this bad. She didn't know.

Behind her, she could tell Jake was thinking the same thing based on what he was mumbling, which was along the lines of: "always breaking things...probably a burden to them...always grumpy..." and more.

She barely even realized she had started crying until she felt a hand on her shoulder. She jumped about a foot in the air and looked to who had touched her.

It was Jeremy, looking extremely concerned.

"Mama? Are you okay?" Behind him, Michael was standing there, looking concerned and slightly guilty.

Christine sighed and shook her head. "You guys won, okay? I'll get you your cookies if you want..."

"No! We- we were just- we just wanted to play...we didn't know we were making you sad..." Michael said quickly.

"We're sorry..." Jeremy concluded and held up a cookie for Christine.

She stared at it before slowly grabbing in and holding it.

"We didn't do anything to it, we promise!" Jeremy assured when he noticed her skeptical glare at the cookie.

She took a small bit out of the cookie and let out a sigh of relief, looking back at Jake.

He was currently being hugged by a smol Rich apologizing profusely as Jake kept sobbing. (What a sight)

Jeremy and Michael sat next to Christine on either side and hugged her.

"We won't do it again..." Michael mumbled.

"Oh thank God," was what Christine was going to say, but instead "Okay, my little jokesters."

Making parents guilty with crying is one thing, they won't learn. Making kids guilty with crying is another, because they will learn.

Poor Jake, he was already overwhelmed as it was and this only made it worse

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