Ouch PT.2

194 7 13

It's about time I update this. Ima try and also get out a small boyfs oneshot before I have to do schoolwork.

Jeremy stood outside the house, pacing back and forth as he tried to call Michael's phone once more.

The squip was screeching at him to leave just Jeremy ignored it, telling the squip to shut off.

Now, Jake had run inside the house to save Rich and Jeremy would've done the same if the squip had shocked him a good 10 times to discourage him.

So all Jeremy could do was hope Michael didn't die in the fire. He called Michael one more time and just when he was about to give up, he heard someone answer.

"Michael?! Michael are you there?"

There were some weak coughs from the other end along with a thud. 

That only made Jeremy more panicked as the squip reactivated and tried to take control but Jeremy forced it to shut off again.

He saw Jake jump out one of the side windows with Rich in his arms. He flinched when Jake let out a yelp of pain and his legs were not angled correctly.

He, however, heard sirens in the distance and nearly leaped 3 feet in the air before whipping his head in the direction of the sound.

He ran over to Jake and with Rich's help, they were able to get Jake to one of the paramedics who had parked in front of the house.

Rich was also taken in because of his burn scars along with some other injuries. That gave Jeremy the chance to inform the firefighters that Michael was still in the house. He informed them of his last known location and practically begged them to try and find him.

The firefighters looked skeptical at first but from the look of pure helplessness and desperation on Jeremy's face, they ran off into the house to try and find Michael.

By then, most of the students had left, leaving Jeremy and a few others (who were probably recording the house fire for later gossip).

Jeremy cried out when part of the house collapsed as the firefighters sprayed water on it to douse the smoldering flames.

They were also trying to avoid anything nearby catching on fire and starting a widespread wildfire so there was also that.

Just as Jeremy was starting to lose hope of his friend surviving, the front door opened. (Okay more like fell forward lmao) A firefighter motioned for a stretcher to be brought over with other various medical toys that Jeremy had no idea existed.

Another firefighter came out, holding a very close to dead Michael in her arms. (Thought it was gonna be a boy? Well ur wrong)

She carefully placed Michael in the stretcher and they began hooking him up on all types of monitors and IVs as they pulled him towards the ambulance. Jeremy followed after them and asked to get on with them.

"Sorry kid, family on-" one had started but was cut off by another, quieter yet bold feminine voice.

"Of course you can, sweetie. You did tell us where he was. Had you not, he for sure would've died. Hop in," she said kindly, extending an arm out for him.

He smiled gratefully at her and took her hand, climbing in.

The nurse scolded them for trying to deny him access saying "if he wants to be close to one that he care about, you should let him. You never know if this is the last time he'll see them alive" 

She then closed the doors and motioned for them to head out to the hospital.

Jeremy shoved his face in his hands and sobbed quietly, unaware of Michael hazily watching him.

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