In Tune/Off Tune

134 7 19

Another request but like,,, I like a lot??? If yall have requests send em my way I'd love to do them (other than anything x squip despite my overbearing love for it)

Emotions are nasty. That's the main point of this whole thing.

They get in the way of things and you can't control them, making them more of a problem if anything.

Anyway, let's get that clear before we continue the story.

Michael Mell. You know him. I know him. We all love him, unfortunately, Middle Borough High doesn't. He's chill with that though.

Michael is pretty chill when it comes to a lot of things actually. It was how he was raised to be. Not for a reason most think of though.

See, Michael is quite in tune with nature/the 4 main elements (or 5 is you include aether, which is supposedly what fills the area beyond the layers of our Earth, aka space itself, which I mean,,,I have to use it now). There was also ice, since it was a subdivision of water.

There were the simple ones: Earth, Fire, Air, Water. They each correlate to his emotions and all have double or triple meanings.

For example, earth can represent his happiness/excitement, but it can also represent his envy/jealous. It all just depends.

You can imagine the troubles this came with when he was young. It led to a lot of complaints from concerned kids when their kid came home, thorns still stuck in their skin or clothes partially burned.

It got so bad at one point that Michael had absolutely refused to go back go school, afraid of the kids that were ready to get revenge on his unintentional actions. His fears were quite evident based on the icicles that seemed to sprout around him and in his hair when he hid under his bed.

Eventually, he was coaxed into going back and up on arriving, one kid ran up to him.

Michael squeaked, a few stray icicles sprouting in his hair. His own hair would be the death of him. Fun.

"Hi! I never talked to you before but you look really cool!" The kid bounced happily, his chestnut colored hair bouncing along with him.

"I-...uh, thanks!" Michael smiled hesitantly, assuming it was just a trap to beat him up. It happened before with the older kids, why would this be any different.

Boy was he wrong.

"I'm Jeremy, wanna go play on the swings?"

Michael blinked. This was not going the way he expected at all. Nevertheless, he nodded and Jeremy took his hand, pulling him along to the swing set.

It was then that Michael made his first friend, and honestly, his favorite friend.

Along the years, Michael learned how to control whatever strange powers he had, occasionally blowing up here and there on either a particularly good or bad day.

It would either leave him trapped in his own dome of happiness vines, or on his way to get new furniture to replace he ones he burned.

Of course, Jeremy always found this funny and would even come over with the sole purpose of making fun of his friend for it. They both knew it was in simple fun and it would often lead to Jeremy getting trapped with Michael, resulting in the Mell wives to have to free them.

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