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Hi yes let me inform you that I started listening to Chicago and Cell Block Tango is just a full on bop so have a boyfs au of it with a pretty much psychopathic Micha.

So, what did happen that night? We wanna know all the details.

Michael glanced up from his chair and set his legs up on the desk in front of him. The bars keeping him contained in the small room not even a bother to him at this point. He ran a hand through his hair to push it back slightly and grinned.

"Well, since ya wanna know so bad...I'll tell ya, but listen up. I'll only tell my story once so don't try comin back here askin for it again," Michael hissed, glaring at the news reporter on the outside of the bar.

He rose from his seat and leaned against the bars, picking at his nails.

"Everyone's had their childhood crush growin' up, you know you've had one too. Well...a certain little Jeremy Heere had caught my eye at only age 13. Y'know, the unlucky number," Michael rolled his eyes and turned to the desk, pushing himself up and sitting on it, crossing his legs.

"I had been lovin' the guy for years! Almost 12 years of friendship, am I right? I had to sit there and suffer as he referred to me as those painful terms..." Michael's voice lowered dangerously as he glared at the camera man as if he were his lover. Well...ex lover if you must.

"Pal, dude, buddy, bro, friend..." Michael listed, looking more annoyed and speaking with more venom with each term.

"Even after he tested my patience with that disgustin' squip! Nearly killed him then and there...but I waited. I waited and waited and waited. I even saved em' and the rest of the school that night," Michael flashed an innocent smile at the camera.

A smile so innocent that everyone knew he was guilty.

"Little did I know he had the hots for Ms. Christine. He didn't even tell me! Of course, she isn't here anymore but that's just between us if you know what I mean," Michael grinned at the camera once more before hopping off the desk and gripping the bars, the glossy black nail polish on his fingers clear on the camera.

Would you care to elabo-

"No interruptin' my story you ugly piece of shit!" Michael growled as he snapped at the reporter.

Then, a blissful smile spread across his face as he leaned back.

"He ivitied me over to his house that night and of course I agreed! What kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn't? If you're wonderin', we got together sometime during the whole squip incident, or squipcident if you must," Michael laughed a bit to himself as he spun around in the cell.

"I get to his house, lookin' my best as always and I unlocked the door. I stepped in quietly and closed it behind me like I usually do when I heard it," Michael hissed, hatred swimming in his eyes at the memory.

"Just down them stairs he had leadin' to his basement, I heard squeaky moans that didn't sound like his own voice. That got me thinkin', and I'm usually not at my best when I'm thinkin'," Michael winked at the reporter as he tapped his temple.

"I've got a real fucked up mind and thinkin' isn't really the best for it," he grinned like he was proud but it faded quickly as he remembered the rest of the story

"Well...of course I was concerned so I creeped down the stairs to the basement door and opened it to see him and Christine. Playin' video games? Heavens no, but I wish," Michael mumbled at the end, looking directly into the camera.

"All I see is Jeremy and that slutty little bitch Christine, doin' the doggy for him!" Michael yelled, slamming his fist on the table.

He sat down on the chair, a pissed off look on his face before it melted into a straight face and he leaned back, crossing his legs on the desk again.

"So, you know what I did? Well, let's just say all three of us had a real fun time playing with the kitchen knife in the drawer. I had the most fun out of all three of us," Michael grinned again.

"Well...by the time I finished washing the blood off the knife, the paramedics were far too late," Michael laughed and leaned back in his chair, pulling out two long red cloths from his hoodie sleeves and wrapping them around his neck.

"Did that answer your question for ya sweetheart?" Michael asked, raising an eyebrow.

Yes but...he only cheated on you! Why would you ki-

"Well!" Michael hissed with a glare that could kill as he got up and grabbed the collar of the reporter, yanking them forward to the bars.

"He had it comin' sweetheart! All along! If you'd have been there or even heard it, trust me you would've done the exact same," Michael spat out as he pulled the reporter close before shoving them back.

"They all had it comin', they all had it comin' all along! If you'd have been there, if you'd have seen it, I tell ya you would've done the same! Now get the hell away from my cell before I increase that 2 streak to 4," Michael said with an alarmingly sweet voice.

The reporter and the camera man wasted no time in leaving the jail and Michael sat contently in the cellroom, twirling around the red cloths that had the names "Jeremy", and "Christine" printed neatly on each corner as an achievement.

I stopped every few times to read this in a slightly southern accent and my day was made so hey there's a suggestion for ya

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