Sides, Trust, and Issues

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Angsty but not going in my 99 book because that's reserved for other stuff UwU

Also, magick au

Michael ran down the hallway, gripping his hoodie as angry tears streamed down his cheeks. He stomped into an empty classroom and slammed the door, throwing his hoodie angrily to a wall, letting out a restrained but very frustrated scream.

"Stupid Jeremy! Always saying "I'll do better I won't leave", liar! Stupid fucking liar!" Michael yelled to no one in particular, pacing angrily around the room.

Sparks flew from his fists as he clenched and unclenched them. Normally, he would try and calm himself down before he did something stupid and irrational but at this point at this point he didn't care.

He was so frustrated and angry and sad because of Jeremy. It was always Jeremy. First time it was the squip, other times it was for stupid reasons. Michael could usually forgive him but this time it had gone too far.

"Just leave then! Why would I want to be friends with a fucking loser like you anyway?!" Jeremy had yelled angrily during an argument the two had. Arguments had been a daily thing for them but this one had been particularly worse.

Michael stared at Jeremy in disbelief before stumbling back and running off.

He contiuned to pace around the room, angrily muttering to himself, an object occasionally blowing to pieces near him. He spiked a sudden, very painful headache but ignored it as he continued to rant.

"I just had to fall into his stupid trap again! Why am I so stupid? I should've just dumped him as a friend months ago-"

"You really should've." Michael stopped dead in his tracks, whipping around to see a hazy figure of Keanu Reeves sitting on one of the desks.

"Wha- who are you?"

"Well if I wanted to be snarky I would say I'm obviously Keanu Reeves, but I'm not, I just look like him. I'm actually Jeremy's old squip."

Michael blinked, completely stumped. "But the Mountain Dew Red- how are you still here?"

"I never died, or more appropriately, shut off. I could still be turned on of my own will. However, I was sent to you completely by accident, thank Jeremy for that by the way."

"He what?!" Michael's eyes flared a deep purple and a sudden lightning bolt completely fried the teachers table.

" have potential. Such a shame you're always seen as a background character."

"I-...what do you mean?" Michael frowned. He knew he wasn't that important socially but this sounded completely different.

"I mean, no one really knows you. Who do you think gets all the credit for shutting me off? You? Nah, Jeremy does."

"But- If I didn't bring the drink-"

"That's the thing. It was your doing that got me shut off, but the only people who know that are Rich and Jeremy. Not many people talk to Rich and when Jeremy is asked, he happily takes all the credit since he 'technically' gave Christine the drink to finish."

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