She?? P.2

106 7 20

Ya girl is back in the groove of writing >:3

Weeks went by and Jeremy hung out with his two groups of friends. Separately of course, considering the obvious hatred between both groups.

Jeremy managed to apologize to Brooke, mainly because she was the only one he could tolerate in the group.

Jeremy also had to learn a very new level of restraint went it came to the popular kids. Their ruthless lack of remorse for the rest of the student body was absolutely appalling, especially when it came to Michael.

That...that was the most restraint he had to put on himself to keep from lashing out when they deadnamed him and constantly nitpicked every little detail they disliked about him.

The worst was when they prompted Jeremy to insult his friend. Brooke would glare warningly at him and he'd have to reluctantly insult Michael, having to deadname him every single time.

He hated it.


He didn't want to leave.

The fact that he didn't get picked up was a blessing each day. He could walk down the halls and kids could instantly cower at his presence. He could finally get the attention of the girls in the school in a positive way.

It was selfish yes, but Jeremy couldn't help it. For once something was at least somewhat going right for him. So what if he had to insult his practically best friend here and there?

However, the thought would always lead to how heartbroken Michael would be if he ever heard what Jeremy said. Jeremy knew Michael was struggling and despite saying he was fine, Jeremy knew all too well that he wasn't.

It was a very confusing mess indeed.

So, before Jeremy could even ponder some more, he heard yelling from outside his window. His dad must've heard it too because he poked his head in Jeremy's room with a confused yet concerned face.

Together, they went to the front door and poked their heads out to witness what was going on.

Jeremy felt himself pale at the sight.

Maybe two houses down they witnessed a grown man, well groomed with their hair slicked back and in casual business clothes, yelling at none other than Michael, who was cradling either his cheek or eye and holding his head down in shame.

Either that or he was crying.

Jeremy went with the latter.

Helpless to do anything, Jeremy watched as the man berated what Jeremy unfortunately assumed was his son, constantly misgendering and deadnaming him at any chance he could.

Finally, the man threw something at Michael, clearly torn and dirtied up before getting in his car and driving off.

Michael had initially scooted away from the object like it was a poison before freezing and realizing what it was. Shakily, he grabbed the object and held it close, breaking down and sobbing.

Like a trigger, Jeremy ran towards Michael as two others came from the other direction. They slowed down when they reached the sobbing boy.

The two others were Rich and Reese. Not surprising. Rich and Jeremy backed off, letting Reese give the initial comfort before motioning to them to help Michael get inside.

They wasted no time and getting the boy to the basement and offering their comfort.

While Reese went up to go get bandages and some running alcohol, Jeremy took the time to fully examine the final object of Michael's father's rage.

It was his binder, in it's torn and dirtied up glory. Jeremy felt his heart tighten and look away, listening in as Michael hesitantly explained what happened.

"M-my mom...s-she left to go m-m-marry someone else and d-dad took it o-out on me..." Michael summarized as another wave of sobs came up.

"She d-didn't- she didn't even t-tell me..." Jeremy carefully wrapped his arms around Michael's shoulders.

Michael visibly tensed and Jeremy was about to pull away, but Michael quickly clung to him, sobbing away.

Had it been any other circumstance, Jeremy would've been killed then and there by Reese.

After an hour of comforting and gentle speaking, Michael fell into semi restless sleep against Reese, who help him protectively.

Rich took the opportunity to pull Jeremy aside as Jeremy was checking the size of the ruined binder, making a mental note for later.

"Dude, I know you juth got here and thit, but I'm gonna have to athk you thith," Rich looked so serious it sent a shiver down Jeremy's spine.


"Michael careth about you a lot, hell I do too and tho does Reethe...and I've theen how you act with the popular kidth..."

Jeremy nodded slowly, not following.

"Would you rather hang out with uth, or with the popular kidth?" Rich stated bluntly.

Jeremy blinked, stunned at the sudden ultimatum on his shoulders.

His actual friends...or the popular kids..?

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