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Credit to artist Szin because her art is great

Jeremy smiled and kissed Michael's cheek. Michael rolled his eyes but hugged his boyf anyway.

"See ya tomorrow Micha," Jeremy called out as he walked away with the rest of the group. Christine bounced to his side, grinning.

"You're a tomato," was the only thing she said before skipping off ahead of him.

"Wh- Christine!" Michael fastened his step, keeping a steady pace beside her as she giggled.

"Whaaaaaat? It's true, and it's adorable! How long have you two been dating?" She asked, looking at him curiously.

"You already know, you were there," Michael huffed, walking ahead of her.

"H-hey! Don't leave me!" Christine yelped, speeding up to match his pace.

"I can and will if you keep up with this," Michael looked down at her, crossing his arms.

"Fineeeeee. Freaking mouth breather," she mumbled under her breath.

"Yeah yeah, get inside," Michael smiled, opening the front door for her to walk in. She did a dramatic bow before walking in, Michael following and closing the door behind him.

"What's there to eat?" She asked, skipping into the kitchen.

"I have no clue, just grab something out of the fridge I guess," Michael called out, flopping on the couch.

Christine was staying over at Michael's place for the time being since her parents were off on a business trip for who knows how long. That, along with Michael's moms being gone 90% of the time meant the two teenagers were usually home alone.

They didn't mind, per se, but sometimes they wished there was something better to do. Well...there usually was something to do, but whenever they were done, they were usually bored afterwards.

Michael barely registered Christine singing to herself in the kitchen, his headphones tuning out the enchanting song lyrics to keep from going into a daze.

"I'm making pizza!" Christine screeched, suddenly jumping in front of Michael, who shrieked and fell off the couch in a panic.


"Because, you were tuning me out again!" She whined.

"I'm not ready to be stuck in a daze for who knows how long Chrissy," Michael retorted, looking up at her. She only stuck her tongue out at him in response and went back to the kitchen, contiuning with the pizza.


"Pizza's done Mikey!" Christine chirped, holding the tray up in victory.

"Fuck yeah!" Michael whooped, hopping up and immediately stumbling. "Stupid vertigo," he grumbled before nyooming to the kitchen.

Christine cut the pizza into slices ("Why can't you just cut them in halves?" "Because I don't want to") and took her own slices, going upstairs to eat. Michael followed after, bringing his laptop with him.

He sat down at the desk in the corner of his room, setting the laptop down and opening one of his online games before the screen froze.


The screen went blue, with a simple message: "An error has occurred, the wizard must be stopped."

He groaned and got up, eating one slice of pizza before retrieving the sword that sat at the side of his bed.

"Christine? Get ready, we gotta go out again!" Michael yelled, taking his phone out and texting the others.

"Oh come on! I was getting into a really good book!" Christine cried out as she opened her door, fingertips glowing.

"I know, it sucks, but we gotta go. This one seems serious," Michael answered, already changed into his badass 'crime-fighting' costume.

"Give me a minute!" She called out.

"Well you better hurry, Brooke'll be here any minu-" speak of the devil, Brooke appeared with Jeremy, Rich and Jake, all changed and ready to go.

"Jake's the last stop, Christine we're waiting on you!"

"Stop pressuring me!" Christine poked her head out and glared at Brooke. "I'm almost ready anyway."

"Yeah yeah, just come out when you are."

A minute later and Christine stepped out, holding her bow and arrow.

"Alright kiddos, hold on," Brooke reminded, giving the others a chance to hold onto the chain she provided before disappearing.

"Alright kiddos, hold on," Brooke reminded, giving the others a chance to hold onto the chain she provided before disappearing

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Based on the middle one sldnflrb

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