Electric Currents P.1

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Been on break all week and I haven't had a single idea until now UwU

Have you ever had an event in your life that you thought was bad at first that ended up being pretty cool?

Michael could say that. It was cool, but probably not good. He wasn't sure yet, we'll see.

He was a technopath and more. Like, he could control technology and was in tune with it all. He could summon it to use and was basically a human adaptor. It was pretty cool, but not good. At least, for now that's what he would say.

It all started one day when he was invited to a "pool party" in 6th grade by some of the school bullies. Initially, it was supposed to be him and Jeremy at the "party" but Jeremy was sick and couldn't show.

When Michael arrived, he wasn't surprised to see no one there. That's fine. It was much better than what actually ended up happening.

As he wandered around the pool, many red flags were raised. For example, there were many wires running along the ground everywhere. Not to mention the occasionally ruffle in the trees nearby.

By the time Michael realized something was deathly wrong, the kids had already returned and cornered him at the edge of the pool.

It was then that he realized that those wires were actually in the water. He hoped they weren't plugged in, but based on the sinister looks of the 6th graders in front of him, they probably were.

Michael kept backing away from the pressing crowd, teetering dangerously from the edge.

He later realized that he wasn't meant to actually fall in the water, it was more of a scare tactic but it went wrong in so many ways.

One kid became impatient and stepped forward to Michael, causing the preteen to take another step back into nothingness, slip, and fall directly into the charged water, shrieking on the way down.

The bullies began laughing at once, but immediately ceased when they saw their peer start to jerk uncontrollably in the water, not swimming to the surface.

One ran off, going to call 911 as their prank had gone very wrong as the others watched in a panic, fearing that they would be in huge trouble.

As for Michael, he felt the electricity coursing over his skin everywhere, and boy did it hurt. If he could scream, he would, but being in water doesn't grant that kind of chance now does it?

However, in the short time he was conscious, he felt things beginning to change. Things were changing, he knew that, but he didn't know how.

He felt his consciousness flee him, leaving him in a mixed parallel between awake and passed out. What he couldn't understand was why he wasn't dead yet. There were approximately 54 live wires in the water, all charged at more than 200 volt- Michael stopped his possibly last thoughts, stunned at his apparent knowledge of his own death bath.

As he felt his consciousness slip away, he felt strings of electricity past inevitably through his heart, and eventually his brain and that's when he allowed his mind to submerge into the inky darkness of his supposedly dwindling life.

That was supposed to be it for him. No one is supposed to be able to survive a shock that strong and survive.

So, as Michael would later question, why the hell didn't he?

He was finally hauled up into a stretcher and into the ambulance and hooked up to ventilator in a pitiful attempt to get him to breath while they set up a defibrillator.

The nurse in charge did their typical count, rubbing the two metal glove like pieces of technology together.

Quickly, they pressed it to Michael's chest and we're shocked and borderline terrified of the result.

Normally, the first charge (If successful) would 'restart' the heart and it would start beating again, the person gaining consciousness gradually.

What happened this time was like a cause and effect type of action. The moment the metal hit skin, Michael jerked wildly and shot up, the electric current travelling through his chest all around, seemingly waking up all his other limbs and dispelling the extra into the stretcher he was in.

His eyes flashed a red color as if in warning before fading away just as quick.

Michael immediately leaned over and coughed the water in his system out, yanking the mask off to do so before coughing and gripping his chest as if it would help his frenzied breathing.

"What the hell was that?!" One nurse finally screamed, mortified.

Michael only shook his head, feeling extremely dizzy once more and passing out on the bed.

The nurses hesitantly got back to work, making sure to keep the defibrillator far away and working in stabilizing his breathing.

That would be the beginning of the crazy life Michael sure as hell did not sign up for.

After various tests, it was determined that Michael had indeed survived the electric shock and was able to return home after a few days. Jeremy was the first to his door and hugged the ever living hell out of his best friend, halfway to tears.

Jeremy kept muttering incoherently about how stupid Michael was and how he wouldn't be able to survive if his best friend had died.

Michael was sure to return the affection and eventually the two found themselves basically cuddling on one the beanbags in the basement.

That's when the weirdness began.

It was like a switch in Michael's brain that had been flicked, Michael felt it, and apparently so did the tv as it had just shut off by itself.

Jeremy looked up, confused, seeing as no one else was in the room and the remote was sitting on the nightstand.

Michael blinked and stared at the tv, going a bit of a stretch and willing it to turn on again.

It did.

This time, Jeremy jumped away from Michael, startled.

"Michael, what did happen that day?" Jeremy had asked.

Michael explained it all, including the hazy moment in the ambulance which left Jeremy to think.

"...hmmm, here! Change the channel on the tv," Jeremy prompted after some silence.

Michael snorted and reached for the remote. "C'mon Jer, really-" he was cut off with Jeremy smacking his hand away from the remote.

"Not with the remote, dumbass. Just...think about it?"

Michael looked confused but shrugged, willing the channel to change to Disney. He watched in awe as the channel changed without hesitation. Unaware of it, Michael's eyes also flashed a light blue as he made the command, leaving Jeremy in awe as well.

"Woahhhh," Jeremy gasped, staring at his best friend in awe. "How'd you do that?"

Michael shrugged and rubbed his hands together. He and Jeremy yelped when a spark of electricity formed within between Michael's hands. In correlation, Michael's eyes flashed yellow in panic.

"Dude...you're like a superhero now!" Jeremy exclaimed, grinning. "Those bullies won't know what hit them!"

"You know I'm not gonna hurt them, right?" Michael raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, but I wanna sound cool so shush. C'mon, let's go see what you can do!" Jeremy grabbed Michael's wrist, pulling him up and up the basement stairs.

Michael sighed and smiled, letting Jeremy drag him along as his eyes faded into a light pink color.

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