Hiss Hiss Bitch

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Vampire au because I'm in a supernatural mood atm

Jeremy climbed up the tree to Michael's house and knocked on the window, hoping he wasn't disturbing his best friend at the moment.

There was a few seconds of waiting until the blinds and window slid up, revealing a disheveled Michael who had dried blood on his chin, signalling that he had probably eaten not to long ago.

"What the hell Jer?"

Jeremy grinned and slid through the window, landing on the ground with a soft thud. Michael rolled his eyes and slid the window closed before helping Jeremy up.

"Sorry...mom was getting out of hand," Jeremy mumbled. Upon explaining his situation, Michael hissed loudly, his eyes swimming between cocoa brown and red.

"Why won't you let me attack her already?" He whined, crossing his arms.

"Because, dad loves her and I'm not going to let you ruin that."

Michael let out a displeased hiss and landed on his bed, curling up underneath the blankets. Jeremy attempted to wiggle his way inside but was only met with a glare and a shove away.

"Aww, c'mon Micha."

"No, you woke me up and-" Michael stopped talking and Jeremy noticed him wince under the covers, even from where he was sitting.

"Ugh, fuck."

Jeremy raised an eyebrow, but he knew what the problem was. Years with Michael taught him all the necessary signs.

"You gonna tell me what's wrong so I can help?" Jeremy asked, a grin spreading across his face as Michael whined, poking his head out from the blankets.

"Just get over here, I'm dying Heere."

Jeremy rolled his eyes and sat down in front of his friend, tilting his head and moving his hair to the side.

"Go ahead, just be gentle this time please. Last time you almost made me pass out."

"I don't even remember last time, but okay. No promises though," Michael mumbled before sinking his fangs into Jeremy's skin. Jeremy flinched but the pain faded away as fast as it came, as he was used to this already.

Jeremy counted quietly, both so that he knew how much he was losing and also so that Michael knew when to stop.

At around 30 seconds, Michael pulled away slowly and licked his lips, backing away.

Jeremy scooted away and looked around the room, grabbing an old shirt and pressing it to the new bite wound. He sat quietly as Michael slowly came back to his senses and lay down.

"Damn, you make it really hard to just back away and stop Jeremy," Michael whispered, Jeremy noting Michael's eyes sitting between red and brown yet again, except this time it stayed that way instead of going back to fully brown.

"We've been through this multiple times Micha, you have to or else I won't let you do this anymore."

Michael groaned and flipped on his back, looking past Jeremy. Jeremy blinked and looked behind him, spotting the still-open window and the moon gleaming through it.

Right. Michael's sudden fixation on the moon. Probably has to do with the fact that the night is a vampire's prime time to do whatever and Michael had to stay inside to ensure he wouldn't do anything stupid or dangerous.

It's these times that Jeremy felt really bad for Michael because he knew exactly what it was like to want something so badly yet being unable to obtain it.

Jeremy knew the feeling well, and had even acted upon them. Neither of them like to discuss that time. Whenever they do, Michael is practically reduced to a hissing mess of pent up sadness and angry while Jeremy is trying his best not to snap back at Michael, despite him being the reason they were in that position in the first place.

So yeah, not fun at all.

Jeremy was barely aware of Michael poking him until he felt a sharp pain in his arm. Surprised, he jumped and slapped the nearest living object in the room, who happened to be Michael.

"What the fuck?! If you wanted me to stop you could've told me!" Michael then contiuned to mutter under his breath, a mix of swears and hissing all as one.

Jeremy blinked, processing what had happened. "Oh shit I'm so sorry Micha, I was zoning out and you scared me. It was only a reflex I promise-" he was cut off with a hand pressed to his mouth.

"Hey, it's fine. Now, if you're done sputtering an apologize, I'd like to sleep now," then, as if proving his words truth, Michael yawned and leaned on Jeremy.

Jeremy chuckled and rolled his eyes, picking Michael up and setting him in the bed. He turned around to leave but was tugged back by a hand on his wrist.

"Don't go, please?" Michael asked quietly, his words heavily implying he was about 2 seconds from passing out.

Now, this had never happened before. Jeremy usually just left and snuck back to his house. Was he complaining though? Not even in the slightest.

So, like the hormonal teenager he was, he slipped in Michael, who was quick to cling onto Jeremy. Michael nuzzled into Jeremy's side and yawned quietly again, smiling slightly.

"You're really cuddly," he murmured. Jeremy felt his cheeks warm up and booped Michael's nose, which wrinkled slightly as a reaction.

"You're very clingy at night, aren't you?" Jeremy asked. Michael hummed in thinking and shook his head, smiling.

"Nah, I don't think so."

Mhm," Jeremy attempted to get out of bed as a test, and as expected, Michael tightened his grip on Jeremy and hissed loudly.

"No, mine," he growled sleepily, snuggling closer to Jeremy.

"And you say you aren't clingy."

"Maybe I am, maybe I'm not. You have something to complain about?" Michael asked in a low voice, as if daring Jeremy to actually complain about something.

"Not at all Micha," Jeremy snickered and wrapped his arms around Michael, yawning quietly.

"Good," he mumbled.

They both fell asleep in each other's arms, and the Mell wives weren't at all surprised when they went to wake Michael up the next morning.

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