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My smol Boyfs live once more

Christine opened the door, allowing Jeremy and Michael to walk inside, still clinging to each other and looking around the room.

"Mama my tummy hurts," Jeremy whined, tugging on hee pant leg.

"I know Jer, but you can't eat anything for 3 hours, doctors orders," Christine replied, hearing Jeremy sigh in defeat.

"Can we play on your phone?" Michael then asked, looking up at her hopefully.

"Of course you can, c'mon let's settle Jer down then I'll let you play."

So Michael went off to gather a few blankets while Christine arranged the pillows, picking Jeremy up carefully and setting him down on the couch. Minutes later, Michael stumbled back in with 2 blankets and the Inky and Blinky Pac man plushies.

"Thank you Mikey," Jeremy turned to hug his friend, let out a hiss of pain and turned to face forward away, pouting at his traitorous pain.

Michael took the hint and hugged Jeremy, basically nuzzling against him. He then wrapped the two in the blankets, being careful with Jeremy.

Christine, satisfied with Michael's gentle care, handed them her phone to let them play as she got a broom and went up to their room.

It was still a wreck, the guy was gone, thank god, but there was still blood smeared on the bed/walls and broken glass on the floor. Christine shuddered, and started sweeping up whatever glass she could.

She then vacuumed some of the smaller pieces and cleaned up the blood on the walls, taking the sheets off the bed and throwing them out before replacing them.

When she had finished, she went around and found a decent sized piece of wood, putting it in place of the broken window. It was the best she could do, knowing Jeremy and Michael wouldn't be sleeping in the room for a while, unfortunately.

After that, she went back down stairs, called Jake to invite him and Rich over then called the Mell wives and Mr. Heere that the boyfs were safe and recovering well.

By the time Rich and Jake had gotten to the house, the 3 hours had passed and Jeremy was getting impatient.

"Can I eat now?" He asked.

"I have to prepare the door Jer."

"But mamaaaaaa," he whined. This went back and forth every 10 minutes or so until Michael decided that a kiss would be the very thing to keep Jeremy quiet...which it did.

Christine took a few pictures and sent them to Jenna while a flustered Jeremy just kept trying to squeak a response out (he didn't).

Then, Jake arrived with a couple boxes of pizza and juice to drink. Rich immediately began pestering over Jeremy, giving him 2 temporary toddler parents as the food was set out.

Christine and Jake laughed before announcing food was coming and Jeremy basically jumped in excitement, got a sting of pain and winced, then got waves of concern from Rich and Michael.

Jake and Christine gave the toddlers their food then sat down on the adjacent couches, watching them and eating their own food.

They were recovering, and that was enough.

If you wanna know what happened to Jer, you gotta read chapter 12 of my angst book cuz I'm a bitch looking for shameless promo

Also short and sweet because I needed to redeem myself for their harm

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