Fallen Down

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I rekindled my undertale phase and oh god I had to make this it was practically an obligation at this point.

Also, Undertalefanh101hi the next part of your request will be after this chapter I promise-

Chara: Jeremy
Asriel: Michael
Toriel: Mrs. Mell
Asgore: Mr. Heere

Okay but Mrs. Mell and Mr. Heere never married they just fit the role okay understand? Nice. Also this time, Jeremy is not related to Mr. Heere-

Jeremy stirred, waking up slowly as someone sat crouched beside him.

When Jeremy showed signs of being awake, the person gasped and backed away slightly, letting Jeremy fully wake.

Jeremy's first thoughts were "am I dead?" Which was an understandable reaction. He squeaked when he heard a quiet "are you okay?" from in front of him.

Scrambling up quickly, Jeremy stared at the person who was silently cowering under Jeremy's height.

"I- um...I'm okay..." Jeremy said slowly, realizing he was scaring the poor kid who couldn't have been more than 9 years old...around the same age he was.

"T-that's good. What's a human like you doing down here?" They asked, blinking confusedly as they stared at the hole at the top of the mountain.

Jeremy stiffened and cast his eyes down towards the ground. Right...

"I-I..." Jeremy felt himself tearing up and let out a quiet whimper, clenching his fists.

The other immediately noticed this and was quick to react. "O-oh! Oh...I'm sorry for asking...I didn't know..."

Jeremy only shook his head, beginning to cry quietly.

It was only moments until he felt arms wrap around him and without thinking, he broke down, sobbing in their shoulder.

"I'm Michael...you can stay with my family, they'll love you a lot!"

Jeremy nodded and sniffled, keeping his head low as Michael lead him through the ruins.

From that day, the two had become inseperable. They played together everyday and visited all the other monsters in the underground.

Mrs. Mell would often make them little treats to eat and at one point gifted them matching lockets.

It wad unspoken that Jeremy enjoyed life much more in the underground than on the surface.

One day however...

"One cup of butterscotch? Does it mean the flowers outside?"

Jeremy shrugged. "I think so, let's go get some!"

The two ran out and picked some of the buttercups, putting them in the brownies they were making for Mr. Heere.

Unfortunately, this lead to Mr. Heere becoming deathly sick.

It definitely traumatized the two, however, it also planted a different idea in Jeremy's mind.

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