Feelings?? What are Those??

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Stupid title but it's basically p.2 of my Hanahaki chapter so yeet let us begin

Ever since that day, Michael carried on as usual. No emotions, faking emotions, pitifully trying to cry when something wrong happened. The usual as it had been for the year.

However, Jeremy started to catch on and get suspicious. He noticed Michael wasn't as...expressive as he was when they first met as 1st graders. He wasn't as expressive as he was in 8th grade, it was only recently that he started acting weird.

Jeremy wanted to get to the bottom of it and figure out what was wrong with his best friend.


Jeremy and Michael sat in Michael's basement, playing video games. Michael had his shit eating grin as he played Super Smash Bros. He mained Kirby (BEST CHARACTER YOU CAN'T ARGUE WITH ME ON THIS) while Jeremy mained Meta Knight.

"You know he's a shit character, right?" Michael asked, glancing at Jeremy.

Jeremy rolled his eyes and contiuned playing, taking the chance to kick Michael's character off the ledge when he wasn't looking.

Michael raised an eyebrow and with a few simple presses of a button, Kirby floated his way back onto the ledge.

"Nice try, but mission failed," Michael grinned and actually knocked Jeremy's character out of the map, earning him yet another win.

"Ha! I win, again," He wiggled his eyebrows at a glaring Jeremy. Jeremy got up and grabbed Michael's arm, pulling him up.

"C'mon, we're getting snacks and you can't escape it."

Jeremy dragged Michael downstairs and into the kitchen, opening the pantry door and pulling some chips out.

As he suspected, Michael went for the sodas in the fridge.

Now, call Jeremy evil, but he called it a test of science. Jeremy watched intently as Michael went to grab the soda but pulled his hand away, a cut on his palm.

Michael didn't even flinch or make any type of noise, however, Jeremy did note the tears that were beginning to run down his cheeks.

Jeremy quickly looked away and got the chips.

"Hey Micha, you okay over there?"

"I'm fine," he responded, a rag over the cut. Jeremy faked surprise when he saw it.

"Dude what happened?"

"I dunno, I cut my hand on something in the fridge. I'll be alright though," Michael shrugged.

"But you're crying?"

"What?" Michael quickly pressed a hand to his cheek and was completely bewildered at the feeling of his own tears.

Jeremy slowly set the chips down.

"I'm actually crying," Michael murmured to himself, a hint of excitement in his voice.

"I am in the dark and would like to know what is going on," Jeremy said loudly, waving a hand in Michael's face.

"I'll tell you later just, hold on."

Michael went to one of the drawers and retrieved a knife from it. He quickly brought it to his skin and made 2 cuts. Jeremy yelped in surprise and pulled the knife out of his hand.

"Michael what the hell?!"

"I can feel it...I can actually feel it holy fucking shit," Michael was practically shaking with excitement now (yes he can feel excitement too!)

Jeremy just stared at him wide eyed, setting the knife down away from his possibly crazy friend.

"Oh! I should probably tell you. I didn't have feelings for a good year now-"


"But now I think I'm getting them back and holy shit you look beautiful did I ever tell you that?" Michael was bouncing like an excited 6 year old.

Jeremy felt his cheeks flush but he shook it off. "I think you're high Micha, but whatever. C'mon, lemme clean your cuts..."

Jeremy dragged Michael back upstairs and to the bathroom, letting him sit on the toilet.

"So what you're telling me, is that you were pretty much an emotionless blob for a whole year?" Jeremy asked, confused.

"Mhm, I had to learn to act like I was still normal or else... I don't know really..." Michael frowned.

Jeremy sat in silence for a moment.

"Before you lost your emotions, who did you have it for?" He asked quietly.

"I- what?" Michael instantly lost his excited expression, it being replaced with a more nervous one.

"You know what I mean Micha. Answer the question," Jeremy said more sternly.

"..." He looked down. "...you."

Jeremy nodded slowly. "I'm assuming it was when I started dating Christine?"

Michael nodded.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"You know damn well why I wouldn't have told you Jer, don't ask stupid questions," Michael snapped.

"I could've tried to help!"

"No. You can't just 'love' someone like that. It's like trying to buy happiness at the dollar store."

"But you could've died! How do you think I would've felt?" (Oh no)

"Don't you think I thought of that?! Everyday as it was getting worse, I kept thinking 'what would happen if I died from this?' But I was more than willing to die if it meant that I would be happy to see you happy! I wasn't planning on getting any type of stupid surgery, it was my mom who took me!" Michael spat, tears spilling uncontrollably as he was breathing heavily.

"Oh god...Micha I...I'm so sorry I made you suffer like that. I know sorry doesn't fix anything but you know I'm kind of a fuck up so that's all you're gonna get," Jeremy pulled Michael into a tight hug.

Michael hesitantly hugged back and sniffled quietly.

"...I still love you, you know that? Even without feelings, I still knew that much..." Michael mumbled.

"You do?"

"I mean yeah...though by now I'd probably be spitting up some more flowers..." Jeremy pulled away from the hug, a small smile on his face.

"If you were, I'd kinda be concerned."

"What?" Michael thought for a moment before his eyes widened. "Wait you-"

Jeremy grinned and pressed his lips against Michael's, stopping him mid-sentence.

WOW this was actual trash but hey writing is writing.

Okay but like, yall request stuff pls I wanna write more but I don't have many ideas I'll write anything (I draw the line at anything x squip tho)

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