Tree of Death

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Ready for a ride? I'm sure not also, TW because even I got nausea writing it

Rich giggled as he pulled Jake with him to the river.

"C'mon Jakey! It'th gonna be tho much fun!" Rich bounced excitedly as Jake started to climb the tree in front of the river.

"Woah...whatcha doin?" Rich asked in awe.

"I'm climbing! It's really fun, and you can follow after!" Jake explained climbing higher and sitting on a branch.

Rich nodded and started after Jake happily, his hands loosely gripping the branches as he climbed.

When he got to where Jake was, Jake held out a hand for Rich to grab...but when Rich reached out, he slipped and lost his footing.

Desperately grabbing onto Jake's hand, Rich tried to get his footing again but Jake leaned out too much...causing him to fall foward and off the branch, pulling them both down straight towards the water.

Rich barely registered Jake pulling Rich close to him as they fell into the river.

Jake hit his head on the jagged rocks, killing him instantly while Rich, still in shock, tried to swim out.

However, in his panic, he went the wrong direction and ended submerging into his watery grave, him only remembering drifting back to where Jake was before everything when dark.

No one ever found them.


3 Years Later

"I don't know how you find this so exciting Jer..." Michael mumbled, Jeremy pulling both him and Reese along to the river.

"It'll be fun, I promise!" Jeremy smiled, a little twitch in his eye. Reese sighed and stayed quiet the whole time.

"Okay this should be it, you two start climbing and I'll get the blankets set up," Jeremy explained, walking off.

Michael sighed and kissed Reese's cheek. "Guess it's just us for now then."

Reese smiled and led Michael to the tree, climbing up first with Michael following. When Reese got to the top, he hung the bag on his shoulders on a weak yet sturdy branch (since when had it become so heavy?)

"The view is great up here 1%," Reese grinned, knowing the odd nickname flustered Michael.

"Oh shut up 99.." Michael huffed and grabbed into the branch Reese was standing on when the branch holding the bag snapped and fell directly onto Michael.

Reese had no time to process Michael losing his grip and falling straight down into the river.

Had he had more time to look around, he would've noticed how straight of a "break" the branch had been.

"Michael!" Reese cried out, holding into the tree and trying to spot his boyfriend in the water.

"You'll join him soon enough," a voice spoke from behind him, roughing grabbing his hands and yanking them away from the tree before kicking Reese down to join Michael at the bottom of the river.

There, they laid with the decomposed bodies of Rich and Jake.

Jeremy huffed, glaring down at the river as he took a blade and scratched 2 lines into the wood, right next to the first 2 lines that were already there.

"And good riddance to you too."

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