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Everyone has been taught that the Light Side of the Force is good. That the Dark Side of the Force is bad. But who said that? The Jedi. The warriors of the Light side. The protectors of the people.

But the Jedi don't allow love as in the way of attachments. You can't attach to one another because that can impact decisions. Jedi are supposed to save the many even if it means sacrificing a friend. Letting an innocent die. A friend die. To save the many. The Jedi force you to shove down your feelings and fears. To ignore them rather to confront them because of their great fear of the Dark Side.

The Sith and Dark Side users are allowed to feel. Allowed to love. But also to hate, so they kill. With pure raw hatred. Consumed with a darkness that eats them alive. Kills them slowly until all that is left is darkness.

Why does the Force only allow two extremes? Why not balance? Why can't we see that the good and evil can learn from each other to become one strong Force? I, Tally Diquavis, a Jedi Padawan call it the Gray Side. Not Dark, nor Light, but a balance.

A way of Force that all beings can belong. They can harness their darkness to do what is right for the greater good. Learn from fears, not push them aside until there are too many that makes the pot boil over to the Dark Side.

For now I will be with the Jedi, to learn of the Force and their mistakes. Then one day, when I am strong enough, I will start the Order Of The Gray Jedi. Where we can find a balance in the Force to become stronger beings. To fight for what we ourselves believe in.

But it will take time to form a new Order. It will take other beings to realize that this is what the galaxy needs to prevent wars between Sith and Jedi. That becoming a Gray Force in the middle will save us all.

"Tally," Master Kit Fisto told me, breaking me from my thoughts of a new order. "We are going on a mission!"


I am a huge Star Wars fan and an author wanna be. I always come up with Star Wars fan fictions in my head, so I decided that I would give a hand at writing it down. I know this chapter was boring, but I promise the future ones are WAY better, as throughout writing this story I've gotten better ad a writer. Every once and again I will come back and edit something, but nothing major to the plot. Please note that this is my first story, so the writing may not be as strong at the beginning, but I promise it gets better. Hope you enjoy!!!

May the Force be with you!

Bye Amigos

PS- This chapter is written in first person, (I, me) but the future chapters will be written in third person (she, her)

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