Chapter 27 ○ A Choice Of Light Or Dark

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 Anakin hurried into the Jedi Saferoom, put in place if anything like this were to happen. Anakin saw a number of Jedi and Younglings in this room. But most importantly, Master Yoda and Master Windu.

"Master Yoda, Master Windu," Anakin said with a proper tone, "I have information that I'd like to share."

The Jedi followed Anakin into a corner of the room so he could talk to the other Jedi in as much privacy as they could get.

"I believe Chancellor Palpatine is the Sith Lord we've been looking for," Anakin said, trying to hide a nerve in his voice.

"Why do you think that?" Mace asked.

"He has knowledge of the Force, the Dark Side, that only a Sith would know." Anakin replied.

"Find the Chancellor, Master Windu and the remaining Jedi will." Yoda said, "Stay here Master Skywalker and I will. Protect the Younglings we shall."

"I told you about the Chancellor! I should get to fight him!" Rage boiled inside Anakin.

"Have patience you must, a path, anger is to the Dark Side." Yoda told Anakin.

"Master Yoda is right Anakin, this is why you must stay here and watch the Younglings." Windu added.

Yoda announced this plan to the fellow Jedi, Agen Kolar, a male Zabrak Jedi, and Aayla Secura, a female Twi'lek was the last remaining on Coruscant besides Yoda, Mace, Anakin, and the Younglings.

Agen, Aayla, and Mace headed out towards Chancellor Palpatine's office, hoping to meet the Chancellor and give him the proper punishment. When they entered the Chancellor's office, Sheev Palpatine sat at his desk. Mace Windu ignited his purple Lightsaber followed by Secura and Kolar's blue ones.

"You're under arrest for treason against the Republic." Mace said in a deep and intimidating voice.

"Oh, I don't think so." The Chancellor said. He stood up and jumped, letting a screech escape. While in mid-air, he spun around, igniting his red Lightsaber. Revealing himself to be a Sith Lord.

Agen Kolar and Aayla Secura were knocked off balance. The Sith was easily able to strike down and kill Agen. He then went to Aayla, and they fought for some time. But in the end, she fell to her death too.

Now it was only Mace and Palpatine left fighting. The Lightsabers hit each other, bouncing off. Palpatine forced the Jedi to the window, where he took a swing. Windu ducked just in time so that he was safe, but the glass behind him was shattered.

The Jedi then did a Force Jump so that Palpatine was on the side of the window. Mace kicked the Lightsaber out of the Sith'shands leaving him defenseless. The Sith was forced to the window and Mace's purple blade was to his nose. 

The Jedi contemplated striking down the Chancellor when the door flung open revealing the Skywalker boy.


Not too long after the three Jedi left, Anakin and Yoda felt a disturbance in the Force. The two looked at each other.

"Go you must." Yoda told the Skywalker boy. "Stay with the Younglings I will."

Anakin nodded and headed towards the Chancellor's office, where the Jedi before him went.

When he entered the room, he was ready to take down the Sith, but what he saw alarmed him. Mace Windu's blade was at Palpatine's face. He wasn't going to arrest the Chancellor, but kill him. Even though Ani knew that Palpatine had possibly killed innocents, he didn't know f he could let the Sith Lord die.

"Anakin, save me." Palpatine looked at him.

"Don't try it Anakin." The Jedi said. When Windu wasn't paying attention, the Sith unleashed Force Lightning from his fingertips.

"UNLIMITED POWER!" He screamed. But before the Lighting reached his face, Mace Windu deflected the Lighting with his purple Lightsaber.

"ANAKIN HELP!" Windu ordered, not knowing how much he could take.

As the Jedi's power grew weaker, so did the Sith's. His face became old and wrinkly and the Lightning from his hands vanished.

"Anakin. I'm weak." The Chancellor muttered.

Anakin stood there, knowing he'd have to make a choice between Light and Dark.

"Join me Anakin. I will teach you the ways of the Dark Side. We will learn to save the ones whom we care about." Palpatine pleaded.

Anakin walked up to the two. Both the Jedi and Sith were confident that Anakin was fighting for their side. Not even Skywalker knew what side he would join. Weighing the pros and cons of each option, he ignited his Lightsaber. 

It was time to pick a path.


I know this chapter is shorter than my last few ones, but I wanted to leave it on a cliff hanger. I don't feel like I've left any chapter on a cliff hanger and since this story is coming to an end, I have decided to leave at least one chapter on an uncertain end. The other reason why I've left it on a cliff hanger is that I don't even know what side Anakin will choose. What are your speculations on the Jedi's choice?

Bye Amigos!

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