Chapter 12 ○ Lost Faith In A Friend

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6 months ago...

Anakin was in the training room. Angry. He punched with all his might. "Useless..." He muttered under his breath.

He had lost faith in finding Obi Wan. That made him angry. Obi Wan was his big brother. Is, Anakin reminded himself.

A being cloaked in a hood touched Anakin's shoulder and pulled him away. Anakin followed, with too much pain to fight back. Not physical pain... but emotional pain.

When they were in a secure ship. Not one for the Jedi. The figure removed his cloak.

Anakin's face lit up. "Obi Wan!" Anakin said in utter shock, "I was beginning to think that you were dead."

"I thought you'd know me better than that by now Padawan." Obi smiled.

Anakin buffed his shoulders "You should know Master that I am now a Jedi Knight."

"I've heard," Obi Wan said, "My inside sources say a fine young man you've become. Why don't we make a deal?" He asked.

Obi told Anakin of the deal he wished to make. Obi Wan and his pregnant wife, Vera, had purchased a piece of land on Naboo. They planned to settle there away from the eyes of the Jedi. But they were lonely. They wished for the company and thought that Anakin and Tally would make great company. When Tally was to wake up, Anakin was to put the idea of a vacation in her head. Their ally, whoever they were, was to point Yoda in the direction to Naboo for a perfect vacation spot. And to let Yoda know that Anakin would make great company. As a guard.

Anakin loved the idea. All he had to do now is wait. Wait for Tally to wake up. As the months passed by it began to seem pointless.

Every day was the same. He woke up. Lead a search team for Obi Wan. Purposely leaving Naboo out of it. Went back to Tally. Stayed with her for the night hoping she'd wake up. That went on for months. Until one day she decided to wake up. He was finally able to put his plan into action.


Last year...

The second Obi Wan fell off the ship he searched for Vera. Completely ignoring the pain of his own shoulder.

When he found her he placed his two fingers on her neck. "Lucky." He thought "She is still breathing."

He carried her to a nearby tunnel. She slept for 5 days then she woke up.

They soon stole a ship and money. They decided to stay on Naboo, buying a property with the money they stole.

The two got married and Vera soon became pregnant. She longed for company other than Obi Wan.

Obi Wan wanted to please his wife so he reached out to Emperor Palpatine. The only man he knew not loyal to the Light Side of the Force. But still had an in.

He told Obi Wan that Anakin was weak. He would easily join Obi, as long as Tally could come.

Obi Wan knew that Tally probably wouldn't agree to leave the Light Side. She was loyal. So he made the perfect plan to get the two.

He approached Anakin and easily made a deal. He would have to wait though. Tally had fallen in a coma and there was no way that he'd leave without her.


When Obi Wan had his child. They named the baby boy Ben. Ben Kenobi.


Months later he saw a ship land about a day's walk from where he was. He figured it was Anakin and Tally, so he walked over towards the ship.

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