Chapter 13 ○ Losing Sight Of The Order

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Anakin told Tally everything that happened. Obi Wan, only bits and pieces.

"You believe me." Obi Wan said looking straight into her eyes, "You want to join us."

"I believe you." Tally replied, "I want to join you."

Vera shot Obi a warning look. She had asked him many times to not on their friends. "Honey," She put on a fake smile, "I need to talk to you. In the other room. Now." She grabbed Obi Wan and put Ben in Tally's arms.

Tally felt a little weird. It was like something happened that she couldn't completely control. She just stood there a little bit confused but knew that she agreed.

It was weird seeing an act of affection. The way Vera called Obi Wan honey. She and Anakin had kissed. But that was her. Not some other Jedi. And she had no idea what to do with the baby.

It just sat in her arms. She was thankful that the baby was sleeping. If the baby had been awake Tally was sure that she'd do something to scare it.


In the other room, Vera had an angry look. "Obi," She scowled, "I told you not to mind control Tally. I don't know how much longer I can stay away from the Jedi. There are rumors of a war starting. We have to help."

"How?" Obi Wan questioned, "We have a son. We'll be stripped of our title and we have no idea what they'll do to Ben. I want to help as much as you, but they just got here." He pointed to the other room. "What are we supposed to do?"

"I don't know." Vera had a somber look. "For now we go with the flow. But we will figure it out. There are more of us now."

The older Jedi walked to see Anakin and Tally. They saw Ani with a begging look. Like he wanted Tally to say something. Tally stared into space with Ben secured in her arms.

Vera rushed to Tally's side, a little worried, and picked up Ben.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

"Hmm. Yeah." Tally replied.

Vera passed Ben on to Obi. She touched Tally's back and lead her upstairs. She took Tally to the bathroom. "Let's get you cleaned up." Vera said handing Tally soap and a towel.

Tally smiled, "Thank you." Vera left firmly closing the door. It was late at night so she took Ben and went to sleep.


Obi Wan knew that something was up with his wife. She had seemed distant lately. He thought that the company would lighten up her spirits but she still wasn't fine. He figured that she missed the Jedi Council. She missed the fight.

He remembered when Vera hated the Jedi. Snarled at the very sight of them. But now she wanted to be with them. This life they had now wasn't what she would've wanted ever. Vera loved to fight. Obi remembered all the stories she told him about her previous life. She would get into fights. She'd come home to her brother all beat up. He'd always be scared but she'd pretend there was nothing wrong. Obi Wan laughed. She told him how it was difficult to feed 2 mouths so she did what she had to do.

Vera didn't deserve this. Maybe it wasn't the Jedi that she missed. Maybe it was the fight. Action. Just something to do rather than wait on Naboo.

He wished deeply that he could give his wife everything she wanted. Obi Wan could give her a child and love but if they were found, he didn't know what would happen to Ben. He couldn't risk hurting his son.


Anakin was happy to finally have time with Tally, but now he had no way to blow off steam.

Anakin always had a glimpse of anger burning in his heart. He tried to hide it from the Jedi. But it still haunted him. Anakin heard whisperings that he was The Chosen One.

If that was even close to true he knew he had to hide those feelings. But every once in a while his anger would show. The Jedi would get mad. So he tried to turn it off.

But then why would he go into hiding with Obi Wan if he knew the Jedi needed him. That he didn't know. He felt like he owed his old Master to be here. But he regretted not being able to fight in the clone wars.

If things got so bad, he'd return to Coruscant where the Jedi Temple was located. He would feel a disturbance in the Force.


Master Yoda was waiting for Anakin to respond. He began to get worried. Anakin was supposed to report to the Jedi every night with the clone wars beginning.

He waited. Days passed. It finally had been a week. "Send a ship to Naboo, we must." Yoda told his fellow Jedi, Master Windu, "Worried about the Jedi, I am"

"I agree Master Yoda." Windu told him, "But we need to be careful with our clones. I sense a greater disturbance in the Force coming than I do with Master Skywalker and Diquavis.

"Go, I will." Yoda said, "A ship and clones, you will a range for me."

"Master Yoda I don't think it's wise for you to go out there. We may need you here." Master Windu told his green friend.

"Fine I will be." Yoda said and walked away.

Master Windu prepared their new clones and got a ship ready for what he thought was a doomed mission.


Sorry I haven't written a chapter in a while. There weren't any reads on the last chapter so I didn't feel like writing. Now I don't want to stop writing. There is so much I have planned for this story. If someone actually did read the last chapter and has been waiting for an update I'm sorry. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I know it isn't that action-packed, but it will pick up very soon.

Bye Amigos!

PS- I am writing another story about a dangerous fight club, loosely based on my cat. It is called Fight Club. You can check it out on my account. It would be greatly appreciated.

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