Chapter 23 ○ Yoda's Speculation

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When the Jedi reached Coruscant Obi Wan asked for an immediate Jedi Council meeting. Before the meeting, Yoda pulled Obi Wan aside.

"Feel for Master Denaro, don't you?" The wise green master asked the young Jedi.

Obi Wan hung his head, Yoda sensed that he had feelings for Vera. He decided that he'd tell Yoda the truth. Or at least part of it. He needed to keep Vera and Ben safe. "Yes, I do. Qui-Gon warned me to bury my feelings for her, so with our time spent together, I got over my attachments." Obi Wan told the Master, "She doesn't know about this, so can we please keep it this way? And also, how did you figure it out?"

"Will not hear a thing from me, Master Denaro will. When you jumped out of the ship sensed your feelings I did. Glad I am that figured it out you did." Yoda spread his wisdom to his fellow Jedi. "Proceed with the meeting we will."

Obi Wan handed the note Tally gave to him. "This note explains why Tally left. I have shown Master Plo Koon its contents but I think we should share it with the council."

Yoda opened the note. He stared at the note, examining every single word Tally wrote. He seemed to be concentrating and meditating on what was said. "Sensed this, I did. Bring this up in the council meeting we will."

The two Masters waited for the rest of the Jedi in Coruscant to return to the Council Chamber and the Jedi who couldn't make it to Coruscant, to join them through a hologram.

When everyone was in the Council Chamber, Yoda started the meeting. "Back Master Kenobi, Denaro and Skywalker are. Short greetings will be, for a note from Master Diquavis Master Kenobi has." Yoda handed the note over to Obi Wan. He took the note and read it to the entire council.

Then Kenobi spoke, "My fellow Master senses the Dark Side lingering inside Anakin and knows that he is the Chosen One. Our only hope so she will remain in hiding. We should keep a close eye on Skywalker to ensure he stays on a path of the Light. What does everyone suggest we do to ensure justice brought to the Republic?"

After hours of debating, the Jedi had finally figured out a solution. They wanted to give Anakin a Padawan to train. The Padawan would hopefully keep Anakin in check to do what is right, and when his Padawan was finally ready, to give up his attachments. Obi Wan and Vera fully agreed with the Council's decision. Obi Wan found the responsibility of training a Padawan to be helpful after the death of his Master. Vera had never had a Padawan but after the meeting, she felt inspired to train a future Jedi.

Vera went up to Yoda after the meeting and asked if she could take on a Padawan since she was inspired by the meeting. Yoda told her that as soon as he found the right fit for Vera, he'd let her know.

Obi Wan went straight to find Anakin. He found Anakin where he suspected his previous Padawan would be, training. Anakin was blowing off steam slicing droids with his Blue Lightsaber.

"Save some energy for the battlefield." Kenobi surprised Anakin.

Ani smirked, "You should know by now that I'm always ready to kick some Separatist butt."

"I do." Obi Wan had to Anakin the news, "And that is why the Jedi Councils thinks you should take on a Padawan."

"I don't want a Padawan." Anakin said, resuming to slice battle droids in half.

"Anakin, you don't have a choice in the matter. Training you as my Padawan was the best part of being a Jedi I have had. And who knows, maybe you'll like it too."

"I highly doubt that." Anakin countered.

Just then, Master Yoda walked in with a Torgruta girl. "Padawan Ahsoka Tano this is." Yoda looked at Anakin, "Your Padawan she will be."

Yoda walked off leaving Anakin to become acquainted with his Padawan. But Obi Wan stayed, not sure of what Anakin would do. Instead of speaking to Ahsoka, Anakin walked off.

"I am sorry about that Ahsoka." Obi Wan said to the girl, "I am Master Obi Wan Kenobi, and that was Anakin Skywalker, your Master. He just needs some warming up. He didn't expect to have a Padawan so soon."

To Obi Wan's surprise, Ahsoka grinned, "What do you do here?" The girl was a fighter, ready for battle. Obi Wan grinned. The Council had picked the perfect Padawan for Anakin. She had the same fighting spirit that Anakin and Tally shared.

"Come with me." Obi Wan walked in Anakin's direction and Ahsoka followed.

Obi Wan knocked on Anakin's room's door. He figured that was where Anakin would reside.

"Go away, Obi Wan!" Anakin shouted from his room.

"We're coming in!" Obi Wan shouted.

Ahsoka already loved spending time with these Jedi. She hoped her Master would soon realize her potential. She figured she knew the perfect way to engage Anakin when Obi Wan opened the door with the Force.

"Let's make a deal." Ahsoka said. "A challenge."

Anakin already like the way this girl was, so he decided to listen, maybe the Council was right. "What do you suggest?"

"A Lightsaber duel." Ahsoka suggested with full confidence.

"You're on," Anakin said, prepared to take on the Togruta.

Obi Wan was worried what was going to happen, so he walked the two to the training room and watched their battle. He was nervous as to what Anakin would do. He never liked to lose, and he suspected the same for Ahsoka.

Ahsoka's green blade and Anakin's blue one collided together. Obi Wan could tell Anakin was playing the defensive. That was rare for Anakin so he figured the Council had made the right decision of assigning a Padawan to the Jedi. Just then, Anakin used the Force to push away Ahsoka's Lightsaber and held his to her throat.

"You were easy to beat." Anakin smirked, "I guess I have no choice but to train you Snips. I wouldn't want a Jedi with such poor Lightsaber skills running around."

Ahsoka smiled at her new Master. She felt at home with Anakin. He was the perfect Jedi to train the girl.


Vera waited for a week to hear about a new Padawan, she was happy Anakin got a Padawan on the day of the meeting, but she grew jealous. She had an itch to teach. She pushed her jealousy down inside of her. Her feelings of teaching were probably because she had lost her title as a mother. Not lost, but taking a break from. Vera had full certainty that Tally was taking amazing care of Ben.

Vera heard a knock upon her door, so she went to answer the door. It was Master Yoda accompanied by a Rodian boy.

"Padawan Del-Anil Greeway this is. Train him you must." Yoda told Vera.

"Hello there!" She said to the boy as Yoda walked away, "I'm Master Vera Denaro. We have a week to train here. But then we have to fight in the Clone Wars. If only we could win a war by sitting down and relaxing." Vera joked and Del-Anil snickered along with her.

Del liked his new Master. She was funny and a good person to talk to. Vera was also an extremely talented Force user and had excellent Lightsaber combat. She was able to pass so many of her skills onto Del in the week they trained together. Whether it was Del was a fast learner or Vera was a great teacher. No one quite knew. But the two had already bonded by the time they had to go on their first mission.


This is definitely my longest chapter so far. When I started writing I wasn't going to have Ahsoka in my story, but Ahsoka is such an awesome character that I NEEDED to have her in my story, so I figured out how to include her in this story. She won't have a major part in this story, but I'm hoping to write other stories based on this one that Ahsoka will be a bigger part of. Thanks so much for reading my story. Every single read I get makes me feel great. If I wake up in the morning with one more read than the day before, I will definitely have a happy day. You have no idea how much one read can affect a new writer. Thank you to leasophiemarx for adding this story to 3 reading lists.

Bye Amigos!

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