Chapter 25 ○ A Force Bond

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Ahsoka sat in her room inside Senator Bail Organa's vacation home. The Jedi council had put her in charge of ensuring the Senator's safety while bounty hunters were after him. She was determined to keep the Senator safe no matter the cost.

She received a signal for a hologram on hers and Anakin's private channel. She let the hologram come through.

"Ahsoka." The blue hologram of her Master said. "You need to move. The bounty hunters found Padmé and I. We are on the run. Ahsoka you need to take Senator Organa and leave Alderaan as soon as possible."

"What!?" Ahsoka exclaimed, "Is Padmé okay... Are you okay?"

"Padmé is hurt, but alive. And I'm fine. We are heading to Coruscant to meet with Master Yoda. Do not tell anyone." Anakin instructed his Padawan.

"Of course Master." Ahsoka promised, "I will inform the Senator immediately. May the Force be with you Anakin."

The hologram went out and Ahsoka immediately sought for Bail. She found him reading in the library.

"Ahsoka," The Senator saw his protector approaching, "What do you need dear?"

"Senator Organa." Ahsoka was trembling, then took a breath to relieve her fear. "Senator Amidala was hurt, my Master and I think we should move off world. Do you have any ideas of where we can go?"

"Will Padmé be okay?" Bail's voice was his normal calm tone, but inside, he was worried.

"I'm not certain about Padmé but she is in very capable hands. Do you have any idea of where we could go." Ahsoka told the Senator.

"Chandrilla." Bail told the girl, "My friend, Senator Mon Mothma can be of assistance."

"That is excellent Senator!" Ahsoka was relieved that the Senator knew a safe place to stay.

"I will contact her straight away." Bail said, leaving the room. Ahsoka followed Bail out, then headed towards her room to pack.


Anakin walked towards Padmé and the medical droid. "Is she going to be okay?" He asked the droid.

"The patient will be fine." The droid told Anakin, "But when she is conscious, I must talk to the patient alone."

Padmé briefly regained consciousness, "Anakin?" she cried.

He went to her side, "Padmé, it's okay, go back to sleep."

"Okay," She whispered, going back to sleep.


When Anakin reached Coruscant, he covered himself and Padmé in robes. He picked up Padmé and the droids followed him to the Jedi Temple entrance. He was greeted by Temple Guards.

The guards ignited their yellow Lightsabers and Anakin removed his robe, revealing his face. The guards stepped aside recognizing the Jedi's face.

When Anakin was in the Temple, he headed straight towards Yoda's meditation room hoping the wise Master would share some wisdom.

When he approached the door, he heard Master Yoda say, "Come in." And the door opened, by the will of the Force.

Anakin put the Senator down on a mat and sat down beside Master Yoda as the droids waited outside.

Skywalker sat down beside Yoda, "The bounty hunters found us on Naboo Master Yoda. I seek your wisdom as to what I should do."

"Tell Ahsoka, did you?" Yoda asked.

"I did." He replied, "She is heading away from Alderaan with the Senator. They are fine but Padmé," Anakin tilted his head towards Padmé, "Is hurt. Naboo isn't safe anymore."

"Stay here, you will." Yoda told Anakin, "In secret, it will be."

Master Yoda stood up, "Follow me, you shall."

Anakin swooped up Padmé and followed Yoda. He took them to the chambers in the Temple. There were two joining rooms.

"Come in, no one will." Yoda told Anakin. "Leave the Temple, you must not. Dangerous, it could be." Then the green Jedi left.

Anakin placed the Senator down on her bed and waited until she finally woke up.

"Anakin, where are we?" Padmé woke up.

"The Jedi Temple. You have to promise me to stay in this room. It is too dangerous outside." Anakin couldn't let anything bad happen to Padmé.

"I promise I won't leave." Padmé said, "How long has it been since we were attacked?"

"Yesterday." Anakin said, "Oh that reminds me, your medical droid wanted to talk to you alone." He turned on the medical droid and left to his room through the rooms' joining door.

Padmé sat up and asked the medical droid "What should I be concerned about?" she asked the droid.

"You have been diagnosed with pregnancy Senator." The droid told her.

"How is that possible?!" She raged, "I demand to see a real doctor!"

Anakin rushed in from the other room. "What is wrong Padmé, I heard you yelling."

Padmé burst into laughter, "That droid," She pointed laughing says that I am pregnant. I need a real doctor to prove this droid wrong."

"Yes Padmé." Anakin told his friend, "You stay here. I'll fetch a doctor."

Anakin left and Padmé sat, wondering how that was possible. Then it clicked. Somehow, someway, when she and Anakin hugged, it gave birth to the Force inside of her. She didn't know what she would do if that were true. She had already told Anakin that Tally had some child of his, now if it were possible that she was to have a child of his, she couldn't know how he'd react.

Anakin soon returned with the Jedi doctor. She ran some examinations on her and came to the conclusion that she, in fact, was bearing a child.

When she left, Anakin spoke to Padmé, "Do you know who the father is?"

"I think so..." She replied.

"May I ask who it is." He responded.

"Not yet." Padmé couldn't give him any more painful news.

"At least you know about your child." Anakin spat.

That filled Padmé with guilt. She was keeping a secret from him. A big one.

Anakin felt a weight on his shoulders increase. He was now not only in charge of keeping the Senator, his "wife's" friend, safe. But now he had to protect the life of an innocent child.

The Jedi turned to leave the room, but Padmé grabbed ahold of his arm before leaving to return to his room. "Thank you." She said with a sad smile on her face. Ani nodded in reply.

When Anakin returned to his room, he began to meditate. Anakin was desperate to reach Tally with their Force connection. He needed to talk with her, "Tally. Please. I know you told me not to try this, but I need you. One more time."

"Anakin." Tally's voice in Anakin's head sounded sad, full of regret, "I am so sorry Anakin."

"Padmé told me," Anakin was desperate for more knowledge, "Do we really have a child?"

"We did. A little girl. So beautiful and pure. But.." Anakin could sense Tally's sense Tally's sadness and feared the worst, "She didn't make it. I am so sorry Ani. I tried, but I couldn't. I am so sorry."

Tally's voice faded from Anakin's mind. Both their sadnesses combined, was too strong for them to maintain a strong connection through the Force.

Anakin collapsed on his bed. He felt defeated, an immense amount of sadness was wavering over him. Hot tears left his eyes, soaking his face. Anakin couldn't take it. All the death around him. The sadness. The fear.

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